New DTFB, Black DTfb. extra white "824" board .......SUXXXXXXXX!


New member
I mean there is nothing really "wrong" with the black or the extra white board so long as you don't need to make fine cuts on the white board or pleel the paper off of one side. The black foam seems more consistent to the older foam, it just can't seem to keep it's paper down.

The new white foam just spontaneously decides to ball up right in the middle of an edge bevel for no good reason. It's a brand new blade (in fact, I have taken to using a new blade for each bevel, that's 4 or 2 blades depending on how the wing is contructed. Thw cost of cuttimg this foam exceeds the costs to plurchase it!:mad:

Then there is the issue of trying to peel that white paper off of the foam. I have confirmed that simply spreading a thin layer of common rubbing alcohol on the side to be removed, give it 15 seconds and paper practically slides off of the board. Just don't allow any alcohol to get in touch with areas you want to stay covered. One of my pet peeves about this white board is since the inital bond is stronger than the traditional "825" (last 3 didgets of part number on stickers) that it is so much easier to tear the paper when you are separating the paper along and edge or in a channel. Here I use a q-tip wetted with rubbing alcohol to run a think layer of alcohol on the side I want to keep. This releases the paper from the edge and make the peeling so much easier.

As for the black. besides being just a hair over 0.02 mm thicker, it just looks like crap after a few flights when it is beginning to peel around the edges.


Well-known member
I have also experienced the paper snagging. I switched to 9mm OLFA ultra-sharp blades. It helps but will still snag. Especially when making curved cuts on the bottom layer of paper. It always seems to snag at the point of the blade.


Well-known member
I have been using Ross foam board from Walmart. Can't say I'm a big fan of the store but the foam board is cheap at 88 cents a sheet. It is flat and not wavy like the dtfb. I would say that it is less substantial though. At least it does not snag.

You have to find it right after it is shelved though. Otherwise, it gets picked through and damaged.

Apparently, my hobby consists of mostly scavenging.