Elite member
I bought a Champ RTF & managed to fly & land it. Now I’ve stepped up to a Bloody Baron. Flew & crashed it numerous times. It had silver paint & stickers to begin with, now it’s dead. I’m building another Bloody Mess with my own DTFB design for wings & tail feathers. I don’t want to paint again. I’m thinking cellophane tape for color. With the wings & tail feathers built I’ll just add red & yellow trim over MinWax seal so I get a bit of help with orientation in flight. The fuselage is going to be FT Foam Board from a Bloody Baron. For my Bloody Mess, can strip the brown paper off the exterior so the wings & tail match with the translucent tape? Will the foam warp if I strip the brown paper, coat the foam with MinWax & then apply the cellophane tape while FT Foam Board is still flat, prior to glueing it up? Help me please....