Mine is alive again! A few weeks ago I finally got around to moving it out of the house and into my office. But since I cut down to only working from home one day a week I work from the backroom instead of my office so I re-wired my home network last summer and left my office disconnected. So the plotter has been setup, powered on, and ready to go...but no connection to a computer for the past few weeks.
I had an old linksys router with DD-WRT flashed to it that I was going to use as a wireless bridge...but it's one of the post cisco buyout ones and has a habit of locking up even with DD-WRT. So I put a few minutes into configuring it but quickly decided it was more hassle than it was wroth for a buggy router and I'd be better off just picking up a cheap bridge.
Off to ebay and amazon...finally
found one for <$20 that I liked and picked it up off amazon with my free prime shipping this weekend and it arrived yesterday. Tried to get it setup over lunch...but didn't quite get it working.
Got home at the end of the day, spent another 15 minutes reconfiguring it into client mode and resetting the wifi settings...and it works! My plotter is on the network again.
Just in time too...I've been itching to build a FT-22 and with the foamboard viggen coming out soon I know I'm going to need to be printing