O.S 46 AX vs. 55 AX


New member
I want to know what is the difference between those 2 engines.
And I also want to ask witch of them is better for flying
the great planes revolver 46-70 (the red and smaller one)
Have a nice day :)

Balsa to Foam

A Jack of All Planes!!!
well the main difference is the cylinder displacement. on the 46 ax you hav a displacement of .46 cubic inches while on the 55 ax it is .55 cubic inches. both of the engines are great preformers on aircraft but for a great planes revolver i'd go with the 55 ax for good flight preformance. all the best.



New member
Of the two engines I would use the .55 for that size of plane.

The AX line of engines are ported for low to mid RPM power though which is fine for sport flying. I have had a .46 for several years and it operates more smoothly and tunes easier if running a prop in the upper end of the range. Now you'll have to get it spinning up (smaller prop) during break in, but about the time the low end needle needs adjusted you should be OK to run a larger prop. Prop it for some speed as the Revolver I flew tracked maneuver better with speed.

I just had a chance to fly the large scale Revolver with a DLE55 gasser, that was a sweet plane!