I've started getting low memory errors on my XD9+ with only around 40 or 45 models loaded, so I think I need to make the individual model configs smaller. So I'm in the process of transforming a bunch of special function 'Play Track' lines into named sound files in a model directory.
On the first one I'm working with, I have the physical switch sounds working just fine naming them things like SD-down.wav and SD-up.wav
But I haven't been able to get logical switch sounds to work. L1-up.wav and L20-up.wav and L3-up.wav all stay silent. And I tried setting the special function to a haptic burst to confirm the logical switch is firing correctly.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong here?
As far as the memory size fun, I've removed an average of 5 special function lines from about 8 or so models and drove down the OTX size from 29kb to 26kb. And it's no longer throwing that angry error message, so I'll keep going