Plans upload website


Junior Member
Dear scratch builders.

I recently noticed that a lot of plans from the articles are down.
In this way, i created a very simple google drive where people can upload their plans and share the link from this folder (Even if it just as a mirror). It is made using a free gmail account And a free google drive account, so it will never be closed down, as long as Google stays alive.

The idea is not to have a website with the plans and its information. The idea is just to have a public shared space where people can upload their plans and use the link in their post and articles.

Please try it and feel free to comment it.

Uploading form
Plans Index
Folder with plans

In order to track the changes/improvements made, I'll start a list of features:

Beta v0.2:
- E-mail is sent to the uploader with the link to the file folder.
- Automatic list of plans on a google spreadsheet
- Files can be deleted by sending an e-mail request at this point.

Features being worked on
- Style sheet to make the form more atractive.
- Deletion tool that works only for the uploader (By a code sent by mail when uploading the plans).

Beta v0.1:
- Users can input Author Name, Email, Plans Name and Plans Type.
- A new folder is created based on Author Name and Plan Name.
- Other information entered is not yet registered.


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Skill Collector
More than once I've run into the dreaded 404 error trying to download a very cool looking plan, so I applaud this effort and will join in with my own plans (as soon as I'm ready to release the first one :) )


Junior Member
Site updated... Now it sends you an email with the folder the link for the plans that were uploaded, it adds the plan to the spreadsheet of plans and the upload tool has a more friendly face.

I'll start talking to people I know have their plans down to see if they would like to upload to this cloud space. If we get the ball rolling we might not face the 404 error anymore.


Skill Collector
First plane designed and plans uploaded - the Caudron C.460 (v11 of my plans).

Build thread

2017-01-12 23.27.34.jpg


Skill Collector
They don't allow foam plans there - from their FAQ :

"Plans that are not approved are usually the subject of copyright concerns, or unsuitable because of date of origin, or perhaps construction style (broadly speaking, if it's a profile model - yuk - or involves foam construction). "


Skill Collector
Strange - tried to upload a second plan but the upload script link only takes me to a page that says "Upload Succesfull" - like I can only do one upload process.