I didn't originally intend picking up a Tenet, but I was curious to know how fast and clean the process would go (as a potential trainer build for the kiddos and/or students in the future). I've accumulated a number of FT builds now (multiple Tiny Trainers, Simple Scout, Mini Scout, Bloody Wonder, Old Fogey, Storch, Sea Duck, and Sportster) and I have been pleased with how well they hold up with just a little extra prep work.
Per usual, I added lightweight sparring to the vertical and horizontal stabs (various flat stock), along the belly, and along the wing (square). Opted for a straight wing (similar to my TTs) for better inverted flying and tried cleaning up the sides of the fuselage with a bit of tape. ESC is stuffed in the bay with a few extra heatsinks, so it should be fine disapating heat while offering a more streamlined appearance. I used Du-Bro 2-56 ele and rud pushrods for less flex and honestly to help perfectly tune in CG. It should be a fun aerobatic high wing design. 445 grams AUW with a RDQ 850 3s pack, so it feels quite light (a good 75 grams lighter than my standard Tiny Trainer). Talon 2207 2850kv motor spinning a MAS 6x4.5x2 prop.
I appreciated how fast the build went together and I think I'll like the extra wing cord over a Tiny Trainer for slower aerobatic flying. The wing design is simple–– this is excellent for a noob but I'd prefer a slightly more substantial underfold (with tucked servos). Should be able to mock something up if this one gets too beat up.
Definitely recommend this build for anyone really. The various configurations allow for quite a bit of setup flexibility.
Up to 35 mph winds today and rain forecasted for the weekend. Hope to sneak it out soon, if not by early next week. Cheers!