Dr. Looping Looie
Elite member
Star wars has a ton of cool starship designs that look just great, but if you go into the aerodynamics, most of them have huge flaws that make building scale flying replicas almost impossible. It can be a real challenge to find a good balance between scale and good flight caracteristics.
I made this thread so that everyone can share their builds, ideas, information or unknown ship designs.
The biggest issue with most Star Wars designs (X-wing for example) are wings that are too far in the back and a long nose combined with the lack of a vertical stabelizer. That means that if you place your CG on the right spot, you will have extreme yaw issues. To correct the yaw issues, you either need to shift the CG etreamely far to the front or add large vertical stabelizers which would destroy the look.
Once my Maker Foam arrives here in Europe, Im going to build two ships:
The Republic LAAT Gunship, I love its Mil Mi 24 inspired looks and I have some cool Ideas with it:
And the Umbaran starfighter which appears in clone wars and looks very unique:
And here are some extreamely uncommon ships that are very likeley to fly:
You know the standard T-65 X-wing, but theres also a x-83 X-wing that features a twin boom tail. It might not look that nice, buf it would be easy to make it fly:
This thing is a stretched ripoff of the Lippisch P13a I made a while ago (check my profile pic):
This thing got my attention because its cockpit looks quie familar...
...like the BV 40 glider, which is cool because this little plane is armed with two 30mm canons and can reach a speed of 900km/h!!! Its a glider!
And my favorite car manufacturer Porsche just partnered with lucasfilm and created a new ship. I think it looks cool, but it doesnt fit into the Star Wars universe:
I made this thread so that everyone can share their builds, ideas, information or unknown ship designs.
The biggest issue with most Star Wars designs (X-wing for example) are wings that are too far in the back and a long nose combined with the lack of a vertical stabelizer. That means that if you place your CG on the right spot, you will have extreme yaw issues. To correct the yaw issues, you either need to shift the CG etreamely far to the front or add large vertical stabelizers which would destroy the look.
Once my Maker Foam arrives here in Europe, Im going to build two ships:
The Republic LAAT Gunship, I love its Mil Mi 24 inspired looks and I have some cool Ideas with it:

And the Umbaran starfighter which appears in clone wars and looks very unique:

And here are some extreamely uncommon ships that are very likeley to fly:
You know the standard T-65 X-wing, but theres also a x-83 X-wing that features a twin boom tail. It might not look that nice, buf it would be easy to make it fly:

This thing is a stretched ripoff of the Lippisch P13a I made a while ago (check my profile pic):

This thing got my attention because its cockpit looks quie familar...

...like the BV 40 glider, which is cool because this little plane is armed with two 30mm canons and can reach a speed of 900km/h!!! Its a glider!

And my favorite car manufacturer Porsche just partnered with lucasfilm and created a new ship. I think it looks cool, but it doesnt fit into the Star Wars universe: