I have thought and thought and went over the toss physically and mentally and am at a total loss for what is going on.
Film the maiden.
The ugliest thing is to fail and have no idea why and have no way to find out why.
The point of filming the maiden is so you don't get to this frustrating place.
I busted an FT 3D and an FT TT to bits learning to hand toss a plane. I was utterly and completely lost and I totally feel your pain. I didn't learn until a guy at the local field showed me and trimmed the plane to the point where I have time between the toss and getting to the controls to 'catch' the plane with the remote and begin flying.
Hand tossing a new, untrimmed airframe is for EXPERTS.
Novices should learn to become experts on the cheapest bird they can chuck, and film the attempt so you can learn from your fails and bask in the glory of your successes.
This happens to everyone. It's an obstacle to overcome just like any other. Don't beat yourself up, PsyBorg. Beat up a Tiny Trainer!