Hello all, today went for flight session with FT Delta rc plane again @25km/h.
First I tried handlaunching in the ground to check for glide slope with the CG aligned as per the drawing. The plane went few metres straight, and then nose dived.
I was not sure whether,that glide slope was ok, and whether I balanced the plane correctly.I didn't try trimming the plane with battery at the rear of powerpod because everytime it's backlooping and breaking the MDF board firewall and propeller.
So,instead of trying and breaking the powerpod, I altogether placed the battery,reciever,esc one behind the other from the front of powerpod behind the motor, and directly flew the plane. It flew straight, but observed a slight nose up tendency
So with a slight elevator up trim, I corrected the plane level relative to ground.
One of the vertical stabilizer got broken.Will it affect the plane stability?
Can, someone please help by posting a video of the position of plane at CG point balanced, the position of the electronics in powerpod and also how to trim the FT delta in ground which is looping back, to properly fly straight. It would be really helpful.