Switching Plane LEDs on and off?? Possible?


Junior Member
Here is my Super Cub currently with the lights attached and all running. I have a 9x7 3 blade prop on its way in the mail just to make it look a little cooler. The wing has a small 720P camera on it currently and an ernst rudder for better taxiing (this actually helps a lot).

Yeah, I have a 6 channel receiver I could use... I probably could just disconnect the landing light wires from the control box and instead hook them to an electronic switch. It may be something I do if I can locate a switch that will work... really this is just a trainer anyway though. I have a second wing with 8 inch ailerons on it but it doesn't want to roll much... not sure if that's from the plane's dihedral or too short of ailerons... but I suppose that's an entirely different thread.

photo 2.JPG
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Junior Member

I didn't get a hold of a multimeter, but I did get a simple soldering kit. Just used it for the first time this morning to solder a 4mm bullet plug adapter for my Ascension Radient Charger. It worked just fine. So the soldering part can be done at least (with a little more practice).

Tactical Ex

Senior Member

I didn't get a hold of a multimeter, but I did get a simple soldering kit. Just used it for the first time this morning to solder a 4mm bullet plug adapter for my Ascension Radient Charger. It worked just fine. So the soldering part can be done at least (with a little more practice).

Awesome, I'm sure as you do it more you will get more and more comfortable with it. One rule that I think many of us adhere to is that if you don't trust your own solder in the least bit, redo it until you feel right. My gut feeling has saved me a few times in the past with this particularly.

Soldering your own extensions and harnesses is good practice too.


Got Lobstah?
Site Moderator
I too have that same light kit and find them a nice addition. I also contemplated the possibility of switching them on/off through the transmitter but am finding the rcvr controlled switch a little more mysterious (I can't make it work at all, not just the switching part but I can't get power to go through. I'm suspecting a bad switch). Does anyone else have this switch and if so what have you found with it?



Junior Member
I use a brushed esc and separate 3s Lipo on my night flyers. If you assign it to a rotating knob channel on your Tx, you can also dim the LED's as well as turn them on and off.