Here is one that I built with 2 motors which I did find out what it could do. It did have a nice name "Trickster" until it couldn't take the stress in flight and destroyed itself in air.
The controls were:
1) a set of rear elevons
2) a second set of working elevons in the front(called canards) in mode 3 operation that would roll with a quick blip of aileron as well as the back aileron and the tightest loop with elevator
3) 2 movable motors that acted as a) differential thrust for rudder, b) and acted as movable elevons.
It did stuff that you wouldn't believe was possible. I had usually three cups of coffee before I flew it until...........................................
I lost a plane, 2 motors/props, 2esc's, lipo, 6 servos and a 8 channel Spektrum receiver.