Alright, here's some pictures to help you through the build process.
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Start by cutting out the wing. If you're laser cutting from one side, you'll have to cut through the aileron hinges. If you're cutting by hand, leave the ailerons uncut until you can flip the wing over and cut them from the bottom side. For the long shallow bevels on the wing's leading edge and the KF step, I found it easy to butt the knife up against the edge of the table and run the wing past it. Now is the time to add a spar (a BBQ skewer would work fine) if you'd like - it's not necessary for flight but will improve durability in the long run and hard maneuvers. I also removed the paper from the inside of the part of the step that gets folded over, but that isn't strictly necessary. The trailing edge of the KF step can be difficult to get down (especially cleanly), I used a ruler to help along.
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Next, cut out the empennage / Hstab and the upper fuselage plate. I added a small section of BBQ skewer embedded in the elevator to strengthen its crosslink. Take the empennage / Hstab and glue it so the elevator's hinge is the same orientation as the aileron's (paper side up) - the little tab will be on top. Do your best to center it up between the ailerons and keep it straight relative to the wing. Cut out the upper fuselage plate and do the bevels. This piece is what reinforces the empennage-wing join and gives a good bit of strength to the wings. Glue it down with a healthy amount of glue, with some on the sides to glue onto the KF step. After that, work on getting its bevels down-pat. In the place of a spar inside the leading edge, I opted for a decent length strip of scotch tape on the top and bottom of the wing. I expect this'll hold decently well as the previous version got by for a good while without any reinforcement whatsoever, though you should feel free to add a proper spar if you feel this isn't enough for what you'll be doing with the plane.
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Cut out both parts of the fuselage. Start by gluing the lower fuselage into place: line it up by the center and front edge of the nose and the little strip between the rear servo cutouts. Install the aileron servo before installing the upper fuselage and the rest of the electronics and linkages. The receiver goes just behind the aileron servo, the battery is velcroed to the side the prop torque is trying to lift up. I used the outermost servo hole location for all servos. Previously, I had used the middle control horn location on the ailerons - I opted for the closest this time for maximum throw, as well as moving them rear of the hingeline by a couple millimeters to provide a mechanical differential aileron setup. The elevator control horn was also on the closest, I had to extend the cutout in the rudder a little to allow it to gain a higher downwards deflection. When positioning the rudder control horn, be wary of its location relative to the elevator when it is in the full up position - you'll have to mount it around an inch and a half down from the rudder counterbalance to get it out of the way of the elevator. I used the middle hole on the rudder control horn as it is limited in throw by the elevator's physical dimensions.
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Next, cut out and glue up the motor mount. Glue and tape on the mini firewall and install the motor on it (BEFORE gluing it onto the plane!) with a bit of down and right thrust - this has been built into the firewall itself, the external seam on the motor mount from the 3/16" tab from the fold should be in the upper left as viewed from the plane's upright rear facing forwards.
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That's about it! Set up rates, Expos, anything else you need to prior to the maiden - Here's what my config with insane rates looks like for reference.
A quick sharpie paint job and it's ready for a maiden flight! I'll report back with my findings once it's done, ideally tomorrow (today? it's past midnight
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