It's not going as quickly as I had hoped, but the rebuild itself is coming along nicely after another long session. The new wing is nearly complete, up from 570sq to 690sq-in, with around a 10% aspect ratio. It took me a few days to finally settle on a wing profile and what to use for motor mounts. They ended up being plastic bits I modified from dead printer/scanner parts (paper guide).
The wing motors are mounted and run-up tested. I have yet to make some "faux-nacelle" covers top and bottom so most of the esc and wiring will be hidden as well as being ducted for cooling.
There are a few more small structural issues to work out next session, but all minor details (wing to tail boom bracing, etc).
I'm rerouting the wiring and adding a few connectors to make things more modular in case I decide to remove the pusher motor.
I may add a 5A UBEC to the mix, as I noticed the BEC in the center ESC is only 2A, and I will be adding more equipment as I go. The fuselage is now 4" wide, plenty of room for Lipos and electronics.
I'll eventually scratch build a canopy shell for the front, with camera mount, lights, etc.
I should have this thing ready to re-maiden as Mongrel Mk-2 before the week is up.