This was a good night! More LEDs, more visibility, more fun. It's almost better than daytime flying. I was able to fly a bit harder without the glare of sunlight or clouds. Orientation is nearly unmistakable as if flying a sim or a game.
The V-stab spotlights need to be brighter before I put a logo on the tail, probably just a big "M" or something. I have yet to get some blues on top of the wing, and whites elsewhere. I won't be happy till Mongrel is lit-up like Los Vegas.
I ran 5 packs at 7 to 8 min per flight.
The 2814/850kv/9.4x5 tri-motor configuration is still working as expected. I'm still getting used to the softer acceleration compared to those hot-rod drone motors and 7" props I had before. The up side- Loosing a couple of feet off my short take-off is worth the extended flight times. The thing will still pull a straight-up vertical climb with no problem.
I can't say enough about the stall characteristics. Slow flying is a blast!
Flaps? We don't need no stinking flaps.
The thing has a green 5 o'clock shadow from the props mowing small weeds during take off and landing. That's okay, I didn't build the thing to look pretty, it's just an everyday beater plane.
Video and pics.......
The moon was up, so I pulled a few "E.T. moon crossings" and threw in a few loops and inverted maneuvers for fun. At one point, Mongrel looked to be flying 'around' the moon. And one round I parked it right in the middle of the moon for a few seconds.
Best flight EVER!! ( far.)