Trouble shooting eachine wizard

Phin G

Elite member
Hello there. I have recently bought an eachine wizard and it flew well. When i did post flight checks as i crashed pretty hard i found that when i armed it an when i throttle up and then bring it back down the throttle stays the same and increases. Is this the norm for acro mode or not. One of the motors is spinning slower than the other but i dont know if that if from turning the quad around or such as i got it 2nd hand. Any help would be much appreciated.



Elite member
Props on or off?

The throttle issue sounds like air mode is enabled. One motor spinning slower could be a number of things. Step back and try to hover.


Wake up! Time to fly!
Air mode wont effect idle sitting on the ground. It will if it bounces on landing but not just sitting there.

Remove the props. Power your quad and let it sit idle. Do the motors change speed on their own without throttle input? If so lift the quad off the ground / table.. do the motors settle back down and respond to the slight movements in your hand? If so this is normal behavior.

The FC will think it is flying the second it gets armed. It will automatically try to hold what it thinks is level or in the case of acro the last / first command it receives which was when you did the calibration at set up. Anyways it sees if does not match that and makes a motor change. When it sees it still doesn't match it will make another and another. Since its sitting stationary no change can happen so the fc will hunt continuously to find level. This results in some motors speeding up other slowing down. When you lift the quad a change does happen and the fc instantly adjusts to meet the new level.

Phin G

Elite member
Hi guys thank you for helping me troubleshoot my quad. It now works like ones in the videos. I might have been a bit dippy as the reason why the motor was spinning slower was because i last had my stick on the yaw left hence the motor spinning slower. I do believe that the motor increases is indeed air mode however I cannot access betaflight no matter how many vids i watch. I dont know why. It says successfully opened then successfully closed. I have tried flashing the firmware with the boot button short circuited and it still did not work. I have downloaded the drivers still no luck. :( but hey it flys but it is hard to fly.


Elite member
I do believe that the motor increases is indeed air mode however I cannot access betaflight no matter how many vids i watch. I dont know why. It says successfully opened then successfully closed. I have tried flashing the firmware with the boot button short circuited and it still did not work. I have downloaded the drivers still no luck.

Airmode is a good thing and if you are trying to learn acro, then you want it on anyway. If it flies, don't worry about BetaFlight. I had that very quad when it first came out. It is a good basher, so buy a bunch of props and beat it up.


Wake up! Time to fly!
Air mode is awesome in flight.. NOT so much on landing. They have tamed it a bit since early days but it still can bounce you in an unwanted direction on a less then perfect landing. It also spikes the batteries when it hits and the amp surge is not so good for a battery that is already low on remaining power. That is why you see so many peolpe do the drop n flop landings and not land under power.

I learned this when setting up my first high power race quad. I would fly hard and see max 115 - 125 amp draws but when I landed the summary showed max amps near the 160 amp mark. That was an airmode bounce on landing spiking it. Thats why I started setting it up on a switch.