Tutor Build.. accidentally put Elevator on with relief cut oppo as video


New member
so, I just started building my Tutor last night. things were going ok until this morning I realized I glued the elevator on with the relief cut facing up versus down as shown in the build video. It doesn't seem like it matters but wanted to check with you professionals.

and for future knowledge, Is there a way to remove glue and re-do it? i.e., some sort of solvent or something.



Elite member
Alcohol can release the hot glue if that is what you secured it with. If it securely fastened, I would cut a new control horn slot and just go with it.


Elite member
I think that doing the cut on the wrong side places the hinge further away from the control horn connection which reduces your throws. It’s like attaching the control rod 3/16” further out on the control horn. You can compensate by using a closer hole on the control horn and an further hole on the servo arm side. As long as you have enough throw, it doesn’t matter. I did a few Bloody Wonders on the wrong side and didn’t notice until somebody pointed out my mistake.