Volunteer Food and Fellowship 2015


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
In the spirit of Flite Test's "Flite Fellowship and Fun" montra, I would like to propose another "F" word...FOOD!
Let me start by saying I'm all for supporting the food vendors that work the event. Last year I attend Flite Fest with full intention of support the vendors during all meals. This just did not work our for me. I need a bit more variety and something that was not deep fried in batter. Being from the south I am not against fried food however being over 50 means, well I just can't eat like that all day!
I have been to other RC events and a big part of it is gathering with your friends, old and new and fellowshipping over food. Good food. Really good food!
This year I am blessed by two things. A really big tax return and a wife who is going to let me spend it on a brand new Honda EU2000i generator! That with a cheap little used pop-up camper she also agreed to me buying I'm going to be ready this year!
So here is what I can "bring to the table"....literally!
I love to cook on my electric griddle. Pancakes, sausage, omelettes, breakfast burritos with grilled onions and cheese in the morning. Hot sandwiches and grilled veggies for lunch. Fajitas for dinner and anything else I can think of!
Anyone want to join me? It's simple. Bring food and share it with friends. Even ones you haven't met yet.
Do I smell some "2015 Flite Fest Foodies" pot-luckish get togethers cooking?


Senior Member
OH BROTHER AM I EVER IN! I love to cook and planned on trying to get stuff gathered up to cook down there. LETS DO THIS!


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
Do you think whoever is in charge of organizing the Volunteer Camping Area (VCA) would reserve a central camping spot for us to gather together in? Kind of like a Volunteer Town Square (VTS). That way we have room to set up cooking areas, tables, generators etc and have a place where we can eat together. Maybe if anyone has an extra canopies they are not using we could set up something we don't have to take down each day?
Sorry. Nothings official until it has an acronym!

I think they are doing that very thing a volunteer area and lots of folks are planning group meals so the more the merrier


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
I think they are doing that very thing a volunteer area and lots of folks are planning group meals so the more the merrier

Oh. That's great! Any more information? Was there another thread I missed? Who do I need to contact?


Everything goes to Flying Monkey for his imperial, exalted approval. When speaking to him never look directly into his eyes and remember to use Sir, Yes Sir!


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
Did I hear my name?

Why yes Sir and it only being uttered with the most sincere respect and reverence.
(Commencing with the obligatory groveling. Averting eyes)
As you already know oh wise imperial one, we the unwashed volunteer masses, would like your exalted seal of approval on the making and organizing a place of gathering and consuming of sustenance so that we, your loyal subjects, may do your bidding. What say you, your FlyingMonkeyness Sir?
(This ends the obligatory groveling)
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I had a vision of a vertically stacked, two level bbq/smoker/grill. I won't follow through on it, but its a great idea.
Rasterize, I invite you to join the volunteer union. We call ourselves, "Narcissistic Monkey Subversives."


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
Direct and indirect cooking on the lower level, smoke rising to the upper chamber for some low and slow cooking action.
I'm with you on that!
Earthsciteach, I accept your kind invitation. "Narcissistic Monkey Subversives" The NMS. Needs to be on a shirt...or spray painted on a train car.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Direct and indirect cooking on the lower level, smoke rising to the upper chamber for some low and slow cooking action.
I'm with you on that!

We've been trying to get him to go full cold smoke method -- external hot box feeds warm smoke to the cooking chamber, but not radiant or conductive heat -- WAY easier to keep it consistent and low, but teach just won't listen.

Low and slow is the way to go :)


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
Monkey - I'm sure your imperial stomach will be taken into consideration. Yes, I would stoop to culinary bribery.
So how many volunteers are expected? Any projections or data from 2014?
Not that everyone would want to participate. Just wanted a vague idea.


Bought Another Trailer
Staff member
Monkey - I'm sure your imperial stomach will be taken into consideration. Yes, I would stoop to culinary bribery.
So how many volunteers are expected? Any projections or data from 2014?
Not that everyone would want to participate. Just wanted a vague idea.

I'd like at the very least, for there to be 50 volunteers. That's about what we were saying we had last year, and we were running pretty thin. That would give us the bare minimum for shift changes and all the departments.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
But will it fly?

If your pigs fly, you're doing something wrong.

Ain't nobody wanna be under that flight pattern.

Same goes for monkeys, but even on the ground they can fling stuff.


Dude!!! Im so in..my son too

So there's a lot to be psyched about as a first timer at Flitefest but sincerely this post just leaves me stoked..some of my most memorable camping experiences had this element.


I would love to bring and make food. I love cooking on a big scale. But no knowledge of what I am really getting into with this event, AND volunteering, its really hard to plan on what to bring. Its all I can do to remember what aircraft-related stuff to bring! Then 4 days of clothes... well, one pair if shorts and 4 t-shirts....but still.....

I thought about bringing my oil and gas deep fryer for buffalo wings but its hard enough to do at home for 30-40 people....harder still having to bring EVERYTHING needed and then try and find cleanup, etc. AND, someone mentioned they get tired of fried food anyway, so I guess that's out.

How about a gas wok and bags full of prepared meat and veggies for a nice stir-fry? Lots of work ahead of time, but then just toss small batches together as needed.

Or, I'll just show up and see how it goes and then plan for next year.

To keep it simple, maybe I will just bring a gallon of Ripple and we can pass the jug till it runs out! (j/k)



Bought Another Trailer
Staff member
I'd like at the very least, for there to be 50 volunteers. That's about what we were saying we had last year, and we were running pretty thin. That would give us the bare minimum for shift changes and all the departments.

Bring more food... we just hit 90.