wind friendly beginner birds


My second plane was the Versa, it handled the wind very good. Also, the bloody wonder is fun in the wind. I know you said materials are tricky but I would recommend either one of those. The Versa could kinda be considered a warbird. :p


Has anyone mentioned the UMX Radian yet?
It's not a 4 channel like you want, but it's my "it's too windy for anything else" plane.
oops sorry, didn't notice we were in the "Warbirds" forum.
Never mind.
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New member
Im from New Zealand as well.
Just what size feild do you fly in ? a football size feild or smaller ?
In the past have gone months waiting for days suitable to fly in NZ. You need to be realistic about flyable wind levels, especially as a beginner.
Its been quite windy lately, not a steady wind but gusty, often too windy for a nice normal flight.
The other thing is as you go higher, the wind gets worse.
If you want to fly UM's you need a windless day. UM's are not for windy days that you will be seeing in Welly.

Try and fly somewhere thats sheltered from the wind.
Get a plane that will cope with wind, some are better than others. But you need a bit of room to fly.

I know that in NZ many planes (and parts) are simply rip-off pricing, with a few exceptions , but most stuff is available on trademe or online NZ shops. I almost allways buy from overseas, Hobbyking has a great range of good and bad planes. Just do a bit of research before buying.

Realistically, for wind would recommend, an AXN (a bit hard to launch), a Bixler1, a HKing Teksumo(needs a programable radio) .
Also , try the NZ Parkflyers forum. Someone local to you may be able to help out a bit.


New member
Maybe i should bite the bullet and just get a bigger place to fly - then go for a park sized t28 or corsair? Just seems like a lot of cash to lay down for something that'll prolly get smashed.

The Parkzone T28 with a bigger (G10) motor is great in NZ wind. With the kit motor I found it struggled flying upwind.

You will crash , you will wreck planes. Just part of the learning process. Start out on planes that are cheap & easy to repair
AXN is really tough, and because the motor is in the middle, you can crash it alot & just glue it up & keep flying.
Same with the Teksumo wing , really tough , easy to repair .


Senior Member
Really, It is hard to beat the FT Flyer if you just want to get out and fly something.
Easy to fix also (or even build a new one)