Mini Guinea Front Wheel Support

Part Mini Guinea Front Wheel Support 2023-10-13

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The front wheel on the Mini Guinea is held in place by two pieces of stirring stick. A moderately rough landing will tear those out. This part goes into the cavity where the paint sticks normally go. It increases the surface area for gluing by about 10x so that it won't tear out so easily. Also, it's easier to install the collars because you only need one, and the hole for it is sized so that you can drop it in and it's positioned correctly so that the wheel wire will slide right through.

I made this as light as possible (Cura says 7g, my kitchen scale says 5g) using the following settings.
  • Top/Bottom: 2
  • Walls: 2 (.4mm)
  • Fill: 10% Cubic
  • Orientation: Place the rectangular hole for the collar down on the build plate. No supports are needed.
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