flight controller

  1. jhitesma

    dRonin - No longer just for the brave

    Ok, so as many of you here already know I've been helping out (as best I can - mostly by crashing my stuff) with the dRonin project. Well, last night we released our first public stable release: The official website is up at: http://www.dRonin.org We're also working on a social media...
  2. N

    Problems with kk mini board

    I am having some problems with my kk mini board, which has worked previously but is now behaving strangely. I switched it on, did an ACC calibration and a receiver test, where it said everything was working fine. I then armed it and throttled up, but after around 3 seconds the motors stopped...
  3. hotbrass2005

    NAZA M Lite vs Ardupilot vs Knockoff APM vs Others?

    I'm planning out a build of an electrohub quad to be used as an AP platform and potentially as an aircraft for getting involved in Airbears. I'm trying to decide on a flight controller, but am not sure which one would be best for me. I'd like to be able to do GPS hold, altitude hold, etc...
  4. D

    Flight Controller Pick

    I am wanting to build a quad with the ability to utilize GPS(RTH mode, position hold and stuff like that). I have been looking through multitudes of suggestions and "top 10 lists" but i still have no idea what the best is for a fairly inexpensive price. someone please help! Thank you!
  5. C

    How manual is NAZA flightmode "Manual".

    Hi. When the NAZA flight controller is placed into "Manual" flight mode, I have been wondering what flight control characteristics are still under ANY degree of automation by the flight controller. My understanding is that NAZA will use its compass to maintain heading whilst in "Manual"...
  6. flyernew

    MWC Flight Controller MPU6050

    Hi, I'm a new here and willing to ask help. Has anyone used this MWC Flight Controller MPU6050 before? I cannot work it out. :(
  7. J

    Problem arming kk2.1.5 and esc calibration

    Hi I am setting up a kk2.1.5 on my hex rotor. Turnigy 9x transmitter and receiver stock kk2.1.5 from hobbyking stock turnigy plush 30amp esc multistar 2213-935 motors The problem I'm having is that no matter what I do I cant get the throttle to zero in the receiver test, the lowest it goes...
  8. O

    minimOSD with Mavlink & TauLabs - It works, but doesn't

    hey guys, I've been working with this sparky board trying to get some cool features setup, so far I think I have it ready to fly and tune on an airframe (BNV). My last challenge before I install everything is to figure out whats the matter with my OSD. It boots up and gives some startup...
  9. Spastickitten

    Wanting to know what features you would want in a micro FC with escs

    I want to make this board I am learning how to design and make circuit boards, and I want to help the community. I want to know what features you would like to see on a micro multirotor FC, or if you would like replacement boards for popular micro quads like the nano qx. Any cool features or...
  10. Spastickitten

    Wanting to know what features you would want in a micro FC with escs

    I want to make this board I am learning how to design and make circuit boards, and I want to help the community. I want to know what features you would like to see on a micro multirotor FC, or if you would like replacement boards for popular micro quads like the nano qx. Any cool features or...
  11. L

    Can you mount a FC upsidedown?

    I'm building a tricopter with a vibration dampened top plate. I'd like my flight controller to be on the vibration dampened plate but I also would like it to have some protection so I'm thinking of mounting it on the underside of the plate rather than the top. Anyone have any experience with...
  12. Robbie

    Sparky VS Naze32 - Discuss

    My Friend..... His naze32 recently stopped working (he is terrible at troubleshooting). He is insisting that he should spend more money on a Sparky flight controller rather then buying another Naze32. I pointed out that all the top pilots still fly the Naze. What are your thoughts on this...
  13. L

    VTOL controllability

    Wanted to run this idea/question by the community, but perhaps it's already been covered elsewhere. Regardless..... I've been running some designs on paper for a 3 motor VTOL design. Yes, I know it's nothing new but wanted to give it a shot anyway. My design will have two motors in the front...
  14. Freeshot74

    Where to place flight control

    Hello! I'm working on developing my third multicopter. The first was a classic X configuration. The second was an H-configuration. Both flew very well but had shortcomings when it comes to flying with camera and other things. Now I have come to the conclusion that I should build one with the...
  15. RoyBro

    Flippin' Confused

    I've been hearing more and more about the Flip 1.5 from Ready To Fly Quads recently. A $15 flight controller sounds great, so I went to the website and saw more than just the Flip 1.5. There's the Flip 2.0, 2.5, Pro, 32, 32+, and Ez. Can anyone help sort all this out? :confused: BTW, does...
  16. rcflyer729

    need help with flip 1.5 flight controller

    I need some help with flip 1.5 flight controller. Please watch this video and post comments bellow. thanks
  17. Hionimi

    Bit confused about how GPS accuracy is stated for products...

    Bit of a short question, but I'm confused about GPS accuracy that companies state on their websites or manuals. Like the DJI Naza Lite with GPS that I got in today, they state 2.5 meters accuracy horizontally, and 800 centimeters vertically. (Metric system! :p ) But... Do they mean total or...
  18. jamiedco

    Hobby King ArduPilot Mega V2.5 Flight Controller

    just caame across this gem on the hk new items page and thought i would share it and get some other opinions The ArduPilot Mega 2.5 is a complete open source autopilot system featuring the best selling technology that won the prestigious 2012 Outback Challenge UAV competition. This version is...
  19. F

    Help!!!! Naza assistant software now working on Mac!

    Hey everyone, I am having a lot of probs getting the assistant software to work on my MacBook Pro. I have found some people saying you need to run the software over windows/run it in parallels??? this is my first time working with the DJI Naza, and my multi is just sitting waiting for the naza...