
  1. H

    FRCFOMIES SU-27 MidMount Version Flight

    so this is basically the flight video of my frcfomeis su-37 and my friend also decided to follow me with his mini quad video link: it does fly amazing if you are an advanced scratch builder, you should definitely give it a shot it will give...
  2. S

    RacingFPV - First "real" Mini-Quad FPV Race in Canada 2015-02-15

    Here's a recap of the races last weekend in Clinton, put on by ... and here are a couple of my vids from the race... ... looking forward to the next race. :)
  3. N

    [Build Log] QAV250 CF edition

    Hello everyone, I have long marvelled and wished for my very own mini-quad since I am normally into the much larger aerial photography platforms. Since I am the only RC flyer I know here in Switzerland I sent an email to some of my friends with links to some of the best FPV videos (charpu...
  4. jsut210

    MiniQuad Battery Findings

    So today some friends and I had a quad race down at our local RC club. Needless to say, I'm going to need more power to be competitive. So instead of flying my 5030 props, I'm going to give some 5040 and 5030 3 blade props a shot. But when I do this, my current consumption will go up. This in...
  5. kah00na

    Simplecopter Mini Tricopter vs Mini Quad Discussion

    450 & 550 tricopters were real popular even when people were building similar sized quadcopters. Now all the rage seems to be about miniquads. Why aren't mini tricopters like Matt Hall's mini tricopter catching on? He's using SunnySky's with 6045 propellers and it seems to be able to lift a...
  6. RedTwenty

    Red20RC Online Store

    I haven't been making a huge thing about this over here on Flite Test but Red20RC has been busily developing and cutting multirotor frames and other components over here in the workshop. As a result, I've just launched a new online store to try and make back some of the money I've spent on all...
  7. kah00na

    My large Tricopter was itching to get out!

    I got into this miniquad-only mind set about 6 months ago. Today I saw my tricopter sitting on top of the shelf where it has been since my FPV250 first arrived at my house. I decided to take it out for a quick flight. It is about 550mm and I forgot how powerful 1300kv motors were with 8x4...
  8. kah00na

    FPV Camera Pitch Gimbal on a Miniquad

    When I choosing the frame for my F450, I was looking at a frame like this with a pitch/elevator gimbal for the FPV camera. However, I've been thinking about how it could be implemented on to a miniquad. BlackSheep's Gemini made me think about it again. It looks like the Gemini has motors...
  9. kah00na

    10 Degree Motor Mounts - Mini Quad

    What do you guys think of mounting your motors with a 10 degree forward angle? I saw these on thingiverse: Since most miniquads flown via FPV are always moving forward, angling the motors forward would give you forward momentum and the horizon would...