Senior Member
When I choosing the frame for my F450, I was looking at a frame like this with a pitch/elevator gimbal for the FPV camera.
However, I've been thinking about how it could be implemented on to a miniquad. BlackSheep's Gemini made me think about it again. It looks like the Gemini has motors leaning forward about 10 degrees. What I'd like to figure out how to do is to somehow put the camera on a spring hinge that holds the camera in the upright position. Then a servo could be placed behind it that would pull the top of the camera back. The servo could be connected to a set of pins on the flight board and have it be controlled like an elevator/pitch gimbal. Or it could be controlled by a dial or slider on the transmitter that would gradually pull it back or let it lean back forward. This would allow the pilot to change the angle mid flight to adjust for the appropriate type of flying. It would add a little weight but if you found the angle you liked best, you could just hard mount it at that angle. Is this crazy or would it be functional?

However, I've been thinking about how it could be implemented on to a miniquad. BlackSheep's Gemini made me think about it again. It looks like the Gemini has motors leaning forward about 10 degrees. What I'd like to figure out how to do is to somehow put the camera on a spring hinge that holds the camera in the upright position. Then a servo could be placed behind it that would pull the top of the camera back. The servo could be connected to a set of pins on the flight board and have it be controlled like an elevator/pitch gimbal. Or it could be controlled by a dial or slider on the transmitter that would gradually pull it back or let it lean back forward. This would allow the pilot to change the angle mid flight to adjust for the appropriate type of flying. It would add a little weight but if you found the angle you liked best, you could just hard mount it at that angle. Is this crazy or would it be functional?