13th Squadron Mini A6M Zero


Elite member

Free plans and information at 13thsquadron.com
Check out our Facebook group: 13th Squadron

The 13th Squadron Mini Zero is an extremely versatile aircraft capable of flying fast, slow, turning and burning, or for cruising around on a calm evening. You can take it anywhere because it has a 30" inch (762mm) wingspan. This build video will show you everything you need to know about the build, and any features you can add to enhance it:). This is the first ever build video of mine so just know if there's any mistakes that's probably why:LOL:. If you decide to build a 13th Squadron Mini Zero make sure to share it! Can't wait to see your build!

For anyone who doesn't know about 13th Squadron, it is a website I decided to start over the past summer to showcase some designs of mine, and share them with the community. There's free plans for every plane on the site. If you decide to join our Facebook group is not only a place to show your builds, but also a way to ask questions about each design. 13th Squadron is ran by a father/son team consisting of myself, Jack Niezgoda, and my father, Steve Niezgoda. I have the job of designing and building the planes, and my dad's job is to paint them. Hope you decide to be apart of 13th Squadron!


Elite member
Great Job and congrats on the vid! I have about all of the part cut out from awhile ago I was just trying to figure out how to put it together sooo! Great now I can watch the vid!
Thanks Jack for the plans. This is my build....with a variation, the firewall

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need to paint it and i hope i can fly it the next saturday
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Elite member
Here's my effort. This fun little flyer joins the C-47 and Mosquito in my hanger. I used a spare motor from an A Power Pack (instead of the larger recommended F) but it still has plenty of power for my flying style and still looks good after many flights! Thanks for the design, Niez13. You and your dad do great work. Now on to the FW-190!


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