Sorry for the cross post - I put this in my FW-42 thread as well, but with the forum move dropping everyone's subscriptions I wanted to mention this here too.
Sad to report that due to a very important family activity whose schedule just came out and conflicts with FliteFest Ohio, my attendance will be curtailed, if I can make it at all.
I might be able to fly up to help with setup and see people on Wednesday and Thursday, but I need to be back home Friday afternoon so I'll miss the weekend. And with needing to fly up instead of drive, I'm afraid the monster FW-42 project might not be able to make an appearance this year.

I'll see if someone local who is driving might have some space and an interest in hauling her up, but I don't want to use up someone else's room if it gets in the way of their own plans at all. There is a chance I could work out a driving schedule that gets me up and back, however that cuts out more time I could hang with people at the event.
But family comes first, and I realize that I only have a couple more years to enjoy my daughter living at home - and I don't want to miss an event that's a big deal for her. And I'm sure my FliteTest family will understand. Ya'll are good peeps and will get this decision.