Do the aileron servo cutouts fit the standard blue 9g servos? I only have 2 6 grams and I really don't have any desire to buy more 5g ones and pay twice the price for them.
SBK But I think from here on our im gonna scratch build. I understand the techniques better now, and I also enjoy watching the different pieces come to life. She flies great! had a flop and crash first maiden attempt, moved the CG forward and dialed in a TON of expo, now she flies fantastic and even hovers!
Thats what I was hoping. Just wasnt sure if the EDF's would have enough torque to turn the plane on the ground. Id rather keep the plane as light as possible, so avoiding a front steering servo is ideal.
Ok, I will give it a shot. This is all pretty new to me, But I am sure I can figure this out. I have a general Idea on how this would be set up judging by other planes I have worked on that were foamies