So heres a thought.
As I continue to build this plane, in the back of my mind im thinking on how I am going to set everything up servo-wise and such. And then ground handling came to mind
I def. want to be able to taxi this plane and have a nice, scale rolling takeoff/rotation. However, I have never set up a rudder with nose gear combo before.
My small prop-driven 747 uses differential thrust to turn, and that also enables some decent ground handling as well.
My goal for this 737 is to use twin 50mm-55mm EDF, but I was wondering, can you use a differential thrust setup on EDFs? I would assign this to the rudder channel and use it almost exclusively for ground taxi, as the ailerons and elevators would be fine for good old bank and yank control in the sky.
thoughts? also heres an update on the plane
as well as an FT Viggen I wanted to share (My first DTFB plane that has flown!)