A Letter from the AMA


The Geeky Pilot
yes the outrages fees from the AMA and clubs keeps us away.

I was privy to the finances of my last club. The dues cover field lease, maintenance, improvements, events. If there were no dues they would not exist. Land is expensive to lease or own.. So to me if it's a good club facility good people it's worth it. Yes it is an additional expense. For those who have not visited a good welcoming club would not understand the positives of it..

Here is some pics of the field I'm joining in March when it warms up..


The AMA has not done a good job. I got my private pilot license when I was in high school. And although I haven't piloted an airplane for 30 years, I have never heard of the AMA until I started watching FliteTest at the beginning of this month.

Unfortunately for all of us, the AMA would have to spend 100 years of advertising funds to counter the damage that one ding-a-ling did today flying over Obama's motorcade in Hawaii. I cannot possibly express my opinion of this individual here. Fox News is having a hay day with this story. And, the FAA was more than happy to say this is exactly why we need this regulation. The timing on this could not have been worse. The person said he didn't know about the motorcade. He was just flying innocently over a city street. The cluelessness of that reasoning is amazing.

Personally, I'm ready to throw all quad-copter people under the bus so I can fly my Nutball in peace.


The Geeky Pilot
The AMA has not done a good job. I got my private pilot license when I was in high school. And although I haven't piloted an airplane for 30 years, I have never heard of the AMA until I started watching FliteTest at the beginning of this month.

Unfortunately for all of us, the AMA would have to spend 100 years of advertising funds to counter the damage that one ding-a-ling did today flying over Obama's motorcade in Hawaii. I cannot possibly express my opinion of this individual here. Fox News is having a hay day with this story. And, the FAA was more than happy to say this is exactly why we need this regulation. The timing on this could not have been worse. The person said he didn't know about the motorcade. He was just flying innocently over a city street. The cluelessness of that reasoning is amazing.

Personally, I'm ready to throw all quad-copter people under the bus so I can fly my Nutball in peace.

Wait what happened. Going to check the news.
The AMA has not done a good job. I got my private pilot license when I was in high school. And although I haven't piloted an airplane for 30 years, I have never heard of the AMA until I started watching FliteTest at the beginning of this month.

Unfortunately for all of us, the AMA would have to spend 100 years of advertising funds to counter the damage that one ding-a-ling did today flying over Obama's motorcade in Hawaii. I cannot possibly express my opinion of this individual here. Fox News is having a hay day with this story. And, the FAA was more than happy to say this is exactly why we need this regulation. The timing on this could not have been worse. The person said he didn't know about the motorcade. He was just flying innocently over a city street. The cluelessness of that reasoning is amazing.

Personally, I'm ready to throw all quad-copter people under the bus so I can fly my Nutball in peace.
Uh huh. Innocently yet illegally flying over a city... that's kind of a self contradiction, isn't it?