I have been flying for about one month. I have had no instruction. I first purchased a little Champ Flyer (3 channel). I liked it enough to purchase a Carbon Cub S+ which I enjoyed a great deal for the first five or six outings. But then it crashed for no good reason, and after looking over the wreckage, Horizon Hobby was kind enough to send me a new plane (they believed it was a problem with the GPS unit). But they gave me a choice of planes, and after watching all these videos I decided that the Night Timber X was for me. That same week I also purchased a Conscendo.
I have no near-term plans to fly acrobatics with either plane. I expect I will fly them in SAFE mode most of the time. But I still have to fly these planes and land them. And I plan to incrementally turn off SAFE so that I CAN learn how to properly fly these planes.
Since purchasing the Timber, I've had a few people online tell me that I made a mistake, and that I will likely crash the plane. They've told me that it flies nothing like the limited number of flights I've done with the Carbon Cub S+. And I've been told that the Conscendo is a step up in skill level from the Night Timber X.
I plan to fly with SAFE on much of the time, as I did with my CArbon Cub S+, but I want to practice turning it off so I can learn how to actually fly these planes.
I have resolved to NOT fly the Conscendo until I am comfortable with the Night Timber X. But do you think my plan to fly the Timber X in SAFE--with high altitude sessions without SAFE--is tenable? Or are the odds of landing this plane without incident heavily against me?
I have no near-term plans to fly acrobatics with either plane. I expect I will fly them in SAFE mode most of the time. But I still have to fly these planes and land them. And I plan to incrementally turn off SAFE so that I CAN learn how to properly fly these planes.
Since purchasing the Timber, I've had a few people online tell me that I made a mistake, and that I will likely crash the plane. They've told me that it flies nothing like the limited number of flights I've done with the Carbon Cub S+. And I've been told that the Conscendo is a step up in skill level from the Night Timber X.
I plan to fly with SAFE on much of the time, as I did with my CArbon Cub S+, but I want to practice turning it off so I can learn how to actually fly these planes.
I have resolved to NOT fly the Conscendo until I am comfortable with the Night Timber X. But do you think my plan to fly the Timber X in SAFE--with high altitude sessions without SAFE--is tenable? Or are the odds of landing this plane without incident heavily against me?
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