Aussie Mega-"Mustang" !


Legendary member
decided go with a 3720A- 800kv Detrum motor (as Dynam used in many planes) laying here. Of course i have 2x 70mm spinners, and no 64-65mm ones . Well new one ordered!

Canopy have even got it "glass" on, and the firewall is moved rearward enough to get just the tiny opening between fuselage/spinner i wanted :). And the batteryhatch is made.(with space for even two 4500 mAh batterys, if wants

a bit dark to see the pilot good though
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Legendary member
Also, the size seems quite small for 2 4500mah batteries.
with a battery compartment at 280mm in length, no problem. (from former C to E at canopy.
And... measures on widest point of fuselage is 105mm x 155mm in height, ( abit more with the intake under wing), it could with a minor change be possible stack the two batterys on top of each other... that would say space possible make for 4 such batterys. IF fits with the CG. Thats why i maked the compartment so long... easyer between formers, and since cant tell exactly where CG will be, before buildt, need possibillity to adjust placement lenghtwise. And the long batterbox, is also a reinforcing of the internal frame.

Anyway, now its good space for such a battery and reciver , even a BEC battery, and a gyro is possible

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Legendary member
i know, every place some filler eg. been used, it will show up. Every place where paper outside of foam is tored, removed, stripped eg.... , it will show up. Reason is, anywhere the basematerial isnt similar even/shiny, it breaks the "light reflection waves" from the paint in other angles.
Thats reason i treat everyplace of such with a thin layer of waterthinned woodglue, to shut, and even out such places. Primers isnt good to use on foam, it eats fast!


Legendary member
reminder to my self for next time: When try to use shiny aluminium paint color, paint the plane with a standard color first. That will even out the last small errors in surface who if not anyway will give visible errors by the shiny alu paint. Primer would be a good thing for shure, havent that eaten any foam/edge of paper against foam and such.
I should remembered about the problem, i had similar before! :cautious:

Its a "hooorible" spraypaint in use. And it just gives a thin layer. Even places where filler are sanded with #800 grit, it shows up as more or less a "grainy texture"

Well, a lot of work to remove even tiniest imperfections in surfaces. Some places it goes ok though, and can be hidden much by panel lines, or markings. Other places.....not! :mad:
Only & easiest solution, is using a thin layer of woodglue on such places.
I remembwer why rather used silver metallic paint...

........but it can look d** nice, when the shiny panels is reflecting as a good chrome-look ;)

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