Borokov Florov D


Legendary member
The russians was quite forward by ideas on flight, more than any other country.
The Borokov Florov D was an experimental fighter aircraft designed in the USSR in 1940. Mixed power by a piston engine driving the propeller, gaining enough speed to get the the ramjets in the tailbooms to "kick" speed. It was started to get buildt, but all work was abandoned with the German invasion of 1941.

Borokov Izdeliye D.jpg


Legendary member
Great to see your latest build. Whats your method for curving the foam for the fuselage?
when seeing on the pictures here, the nose is made by curving 4 pieces of foam ( paper inside away) . First curved by a table edge, then "massaged by hand " . Pics here dont show it exactly because top part is different for the cockpit glass, but anothe picture shows better (underside). The strip is to make the shape, with making the front not not totaly round shaped, but ovale (wider style) . The skinparts have all curbed outsides (how much depends on nosestyle) to fit between the flat centerline inside plate, and the curbed strip here.
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