Welcome to the forums! I have an electrohub spider quad running a pixhawk flight controller and I love it. It's capable of lots of different autonomous flight modes. I have done a lot of modifications to the standard electrohub (larger motors, custom, motor mounts, custom landing gear, etc.) and the frame has been excellent for all this. It does take some effort and time to get everything programmed correctly, but my quad will do everything my buddy's inspire will do and a bit more for a fraction of the price.
If you haven't flown a quad before, I strongly recommend getting a quad without autonomous functions first. Start with a naze32 on your ehub and once you can fly and understand the way the quad works, upgrade to a pixhawk, naza, or something like that. Autonomy is not a substitute for the ability to actually fly the quad. I've had my pixhawk do strange things and I needed to be able to immediately take control and get it out if trouble. It has all been a result of me setting something up wrong or not understanding parameters fully, but had I not been able to actually fly the thing, it would have ended up smashed or flying away never to be seen again. Painless360 has a YouTube channel that is a fantastic resource for getting the Pixhawk going, so definitely check that out as well.
Good luck as you dive into all this. It's a hobby that will challenge you, teach you, and give you years of enjoyment.