
  1. S

    Is anyone still using a tricoper?

    Hi Flite Folks :) I've been out of the hobby for a bit, but am finally in a position to start exploring it again :) My last "main" multirotor was an Electrohub tricopter running on an APM2.6 with Arducopter with a Tough Tilt tail. I know tricopters have all but vanished due to technological...
  2. D

    Help! New forum very old machine

    Hello! I am new to the hobby and new to these forums. I have a Rotor bones drone kit. I put it together many years ago never flew it and kept it in storage. Now that I am older I wanted to see whether or not it would actually fly. I tried turning it on but the receiver did not light up, so I...
  3. S

    Electrohub Alternative

    Hi Everyone, I'm looking into building another tricopter or Y6. I wanted to use the Electrohub but it's been discontinued :cry: Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions for an alternative to the Electrohub? It doesn't need to have an integrated PDB. The shape and ability to the mount the...
  4. R

    Should a newbie buy a pixhawk?

    Hi everyone. I've got a electrohub in spider mode with a KK2 FC, and a arris 2 axis gimbal controlled by a stom32 (3 axis controller). I know nothing about aerial photography, but am really keen to go down that route. Running the stock RTFquads t2212-980Kv motors, and f-20A ESCs. I've been...
  5. D

    Autonomous Systems

    Hello! I am a new to the hobby... Kind of. I have done lots of autonomous stuff through my college working with some crazy technologies and planes. I have recently taken an interest into racing quads and tri-copters. just ordered an electrohub to see what i can do with it. But, Mostly I was...
  6. R

    Help identifying ESC?

    Hi everyone. I bought a second hand electohub about 2 years ago as my first real multirotor. Hasn't flown for awhile, so in anticipation for a gimbal, I would like to rebuild some of the mistakes I made, just going through and re-soldering, and tidying everything up a bit. Big plans for this...
  7. R

    My electrohub is in need of a upgrade.

    So miniquads has really extinuished the use of my electrohub. I'm still wanting to keep it, but it's not being used much It's got a kk2 controller, meh, it about as stable as a miniquad with a naze. It's ok, but not great. I would like to get into filming. So I'm wondering about doing a...
  8. T

    Electrohub Y-6 with Naza flight controller and more

    Flite Test electrohub with everything you need to build your first quacopter and more I caught the bug for racing drones so need to free up some space and let go of my larger multi rotor stuff. Here is what the package includes 6 2212 960 KV motors from ready to fly quads 6 20 amp...
  9. marktbaldridge

    Naze32 Rev 6 Full NO RECEIVER INPUT!

    Greetings all! My electrohub spider quad was flying nicely with a KK2.1, but I decided to upgrade it to a Naze32. I bought it from here: because I could get a full mag, baro, sonar version, and it was a pretty good deal. http://www.ebay.com/itm/141943462470 Here's my issue, I am not getting...
  10. N

    Electrohub Y6 Suggestions Wanted

    Hi all. Longtime Flitetest watcher, First time builder and poster. I've ordered an Electrohub Y6 from the Flitetest store with the Hex D power pack. I also ordered a few 4s batteries to go with it. The info on the store says it can run on 4s with "Smaller Props", but what size should I be...
  11. R

    Flight controller for electrohub?

    Hi everyone, I have a electro hub set up as a spider quad. I use it heaps, now I have a miniquad to go with it. My miniquad covers me when I just want to do acrobatics and proximity. With a recent addition of a gopro hero3+ I think I might be setting up my electrohub to film. I'm not wanting a...
  12. hotbrass2005

    Electrohub Battery/Flight Time Issue

    Just before Christmas I got all the thing I needed to put together an electrohub quad with a pixhawk on board. I have everything flying beautifully and am really enjoying it, but the flight times aren't great. I purchased 4 multistar multirotor batteries hoping to get something in 20 minute...
  13. R

    electrohub, bendy props or tuning issue?

    Hi everyone. I've got a electrohub and so far it's been great. However recently It's been dipping on the front right motor when under high power. When I slam the throttle, it's almost like it wants to roll over until I back off. I'm not sure weather it's always done this, because I've only just...
  14. J

    New to Quadcopters... Throttle seems too sensitive?

    Hi all, I'm very new to Quadcopters (RC in general), and I recently bought an electrohub frame along with its respective ready to fly quads electrohub electronics kit. I'm flying on a 3000 mah 4S nanotech battery. I'm not entirely sure if it's just me, because I have nothing to compare my drone...
  15. DharanFlyer

    Gimbal Newbie

    Hey guys and gals - So, looking to add a gimbal to my FPV rail on the Elctrohub at some point in the future. While browsing the HK website I am not 100% sure I know everything I need to succeed in this. I am picking up the Turnigy ActionCam today and was just looking into the gimbal gear I...
  16. L

    Complete noob, building electrohub quad

    Hello! I'm building a Quadcopter for a project in School. I know basically nothing about quadcopters and I need some help picking parts. To get started with my project, I purchased an Electrohub frame, but I'm to afraid to mess up to buy any more parts. Anyway, I've made a little list of parts...
  17. hotbrass2005

    Electrohub Quad with Naza-M Lite?

    I'm thinking about building a new multirotor this winter. I have a 3d printed 250 class tricopter I've been flying around for about a year, but I'd like to build something to get nice, gimbal stabilized video. I like the cost and flexibility of the electrohub, but I'm curious about flight...
  18. R

    ElectroHub custom build concerns

    I am trying to build an ElectroHub straight quad. I want to build it a little tighter than the typical arm length. My concern is this--- when looking down upon the craft, I want the arc of the props to be as close to the edge of the hub as possible. I am aware that the prop arc should not...
  19. C

    Electrohub Tricopter GoPro Gimbal Suggestions

    Hi all, I am looking for GoPro gimbal suggestions for a SunnySky X2212 KV980-powered Electrohub tricopter (3S 4000mAh). This will need to mount on the FT FPV Rail System. Certainly this has been covered before, but there is always some new offering, and I'm confused because some of them...
  20. I

    Electorhub Naze32 help

    I'm new to the multi rotor scene and have built an electrohub Quad using the dihedral booms and Naze32 board. I originally built with the flip 1.5 and FT recommendations from the build video. I switched to the Naze32 due to the easier setup using Mac computers and Chrome browser. I am still...