The relaxing FT Tiny Trainer flight video is up:
Some firsts on this one.
-First time that I can recall doing any sort of early morning flight
-First time getting dew/moisture in the air on an RC plane of any kind.
-First time chatting during a flight on a video.
From what I can tell, it dried and looks fine. I don't think the camera I was using (Polaroid Cube) shows it too well, but she got pretty wet just from flying.
I've got some more video footage of the Tiny Trainer where I kicked her up to high rates and attempted to be a little crazy. Ended in being brought down kinda quickly. But it was some thick grass and no damage was done. I'll probably get that video up as well.
Next steps for Tiny Trainer is to officially replace the nose (last one was heavily dented), give it some color, and call it an official part of my hangar. Debating on if I should also build a sport wing with ailerons too. I can fly 4 channel, just thought about really keeping this for training purposes PLUS I like some relaxing 3 channel flight sometimes.
Now what next? I've got a Bloody Baron and Profile Plane that needs a maiden (both my parts of the Build-ruary Challenge here on the forums). Also got a Spitfire and Bushwacker still in the shrinkwrap. There's also a Storch that needs its upgrades finished, a 7 foot foamboard glider that needs some finishing touches, a speedy FT Mini Scout to finish up, and a cheap foam glider project that I want to do as well (mentioned earlier in the thread).
I won't even bring up the balsa models that i've got that also need some work.

Speaking of balsa, thinking that maybe here within the next couple weeks of picking up a kit or 2 from our RC Clubs Fly-In. Sometimes they will have stuff for sale at our yearly fly-ins. But thought about getting a kit for my father-in-law and I to put together.
I tend to get myself neck deep in projects but can't find the time (and sometimes the money) to devote to them. I blame the women (father-in-law and myself both agree that our women require a lot) AND my personality of putting others needs first. Having a wild, crazy, and wonderful 17 month old baby daughter takes time too. I do hope to get a maiden out of most of the foamies I've mentioned though this year.
I did order some small pieces of gear. An SQ11 mini action cam (looks like my Polaroid cam) to attach to some of my planes. I'll use this for now, and may dabble with official FPV later this year. Also ordered a 40A ESC for my new hot rodded mini Scout.
Well I've yacked enough on this one. Feels like it's been a while since I posted anything good and juicy on here. Oh well, but yeah...that's it for this one. Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day holiday!