BJ- Simple Screamer


New member
I have yet to receive it in the mail, but ordered it from and tracking says it will be arriving on Thursday, but the camera that should be included is the black one. The NTSC CMOS camera 600TVL.
I have yet to receive it in the mail, but ordered it from and tracking says it will be arriving on Thursday, but the camera that should be included is the black one. The NTSC CMOS camera 600TVL.

Make sure you test it right out of the box. My unit was defective and had to send it back for a replacement. Remember to remove the jumper clip on the camera, that enables the NTSC mode for the USA, and NEVER power up the transmitter without the antenna screwed into the transmitter!!

Also when you upload the plans, would you please upload the plans for the dihedral wings as well? I would like to make mine with those wings.
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New member
Package came today!
Fatshark stuff.jpg
I feel like a little boy on Christmas.

Also added an update to the first post. The wings are done for the most part, and am working on getting them in the fuse now.


New member
Make sure you test it right out of the box. My unit was defective and had to send it back for a replacement. Remember to remove the jumper clip on the camera, that enables the NTSC mode for the USA, and NEVER power up the transmitter without the antenna screwed into the transmitter!!

Also when you upload the plans, would you please upload the plans for the dihedral wings as well? I would like to make mine with those wings.

I tested everything and it all works great. I am still waiting on some cloverleaf antennas I ordered from HK, but for these linear guys they actually work a lot better than I had originally expected. Everything I found on 'em said they were garbage, but I don't think they are all that bad.

Anyways I was a bit concerned about how hot the video transmitter was getting. I was only able to test on the ground so there was no air-flow to it, but it got pretty hot.

Can anybody ease my worries and tell me this is normal?
I tested everything and it all works great. I am still waiting on some cloverleaf antennas I ordered from HK, but for these linear guys they actually work a lot better than I had originally expected. Everything I found on 'em said they were garbage, but I don't think they are all that bad.

Anyways I was a bit concerned about how hot the video transmitter was getting. I was only able to test on the ground so there was no air-flow to it, but it got pretty hot.

Can anybody ease my worries and tell me this is normal?

It is perfectly normal for it to get hot when it's stationary. I worried about that myself. It definitely needs to have some airflow to it when it's on the plane. Once its in the air, it cools down.


New member
I will be updating the first post soon but just thought I would share!

I just took her up for the maiden and it went great. Also my first FPV experience, which went great as well!!

BJ-SS & FPV Maiden(resized).jpg
AWESOME!!!!!!! Congrats man. Can't wait to build mine! How did you mount the FPV camera and transmitter? Pics are appreciated. I'm trying to figure out a good mounting platform to print without adding too much weight to the nose. Also check your PM's ;)


Foam Addict

Squirrel member
That looks so cool! I've been looking for a platform like this for a while now, you did a great job designing it!


New member
Kris. Thanks man. I ended up making a backpack type thing for the camera so I can swap it from model to model. I am hitting the hay soon, but will send you more detailed pics (and post a few) tomorrow while at work.

FoamAddict. Thank you. The plans will be up tomorrow if you're interested in building. I will also be doing build tutorials for everything, but they will be slowly posted as I have time to do 'em.

thanks CSCW! and yeah, I have updated the first page for the cub thread and also submitted the article about an hour ago. - Check it out, let me know what you think!
Kris. Thanks man. I ended up making a backpack type thing for the camera so I can swap it from model to model. I am hitting the hay soon, but will send you more detailed pics (and post a few) tomorrow while at work.

FoamAddict. Thank you. The plans will be up tomorrow if you're interested in building. I will also be doing build tutorials for everything, but they will be slowly posted as I have time to do 'em.

Sweet. Glad its working out for you! I'm definitely building this one as soon as the final plans are available, if different from the ones you sent me already. Looking forward to the build tutorials, as some parts I am not positive on how to join properly. Knowing this plane flies, I'm going full force on this. Packing tape and some thin 3d printed supports as I build her up.

Thanks again Bandit.... You've created a winner in my book.:cool:
Did you get a chance to snap a couple pics and finalize the plans? Not trying to rush you in any way! Just really excited about this build. Lol.
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New member
Updated! I will also be sending you a PM on a few specifics...
I just realized I didn't post the plans! haha I gotta do that first
First off, Thanks again for the sketchup file! I got right on designing the fpv camera mount for the simple screamer! I haven't even printed out the pdf

The camera gets held in place by one zip tie. I'm going to do a test print in the morning and make any adjustments I need to.

Here's what I've got so far: Capture1.JPG Capture2.JPG


New member
Hell yeah. That looks great man! I haven't ever had the chance to play around with any 3-D printers, but have looked into them before. That's awesome you have access to one. If you end up pulling the trigger on getting one printed, let me know if it would be possible to get one printed up for me, and how much it might cost.
Hell yeah. That looks great man! I haven't ever had the chance to play around with any 3-D printers, but have looked into them before. That's awesome you have access to one. If you end up pulling the trigger on getting one printed, let me know if it would be possible to get one printed up for me, and how much it might cost.

Thanks! I bought my 3d printer around November and 3d printed my family and friends their Christmas gifts. They were all extremely blown away by how cool they are.

It's printing right now as I type. I woke up and immediately hit the print If it works out good, I would be more than happy sending you one. I can also print up some control horns and reinforced firewalls if you would like. Here's what they look like:
Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 10.26.41 AM.png Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 10.26.55 AM.png

I will update shortly.
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OK, Update! Printed the plans out, transferred the fuselage, cut, glued and test fit the FPV mount.

I might have to glue in the mount, so I'll need an access door somewhere in the fuselage for maintenance and battery placing. Minor fix.

Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 12.37.25 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 12.37.35 PM.png