BJ- Simple Screamer

Thanks. As Im working on the newer version, I am on the edge about a removeable nose. I want to keep things simple, but the nose hatch I made on V1 isn't all that simple either. I'm pretty sure I am just going to put an access hatch on the side, near the front area.

Be careful on where and how large the access is, you don't want to risk weakening the nose area too much. That's why I suggested the removable nose. I was iffy on an access hatch due to possible weakening of the fuselage.

Right now I am currently at a toss up on finishing the simple screamer, or printing a motor mount for my almost completed ExAir Axon that had an 8" chord 60" wing.... winter is still roaring in central NY, so I might end up and finish both before spring and compare the two for FPV flight. :black_eyed:


New member
Yeah that Experimental Ed guys has some awesome videos. I think he lives near me actually, Gilbert i think?
That Axon looks like a great FPV ship. Not the prettiest, but probably flies nice and smooth!


Flugzeug Liebhaber
Fantastic design! I will be building this.

I would recommend eliminating the control rod bend back at the elevator horn and moving it closer to the rudder. If it springs in the bends, or elevator flexes, this could be the source of the flutter. A camera recording the tail would help nail down the root cause.

Keep up the great work!



New member
Fantastic design! I will be building this.

I would recommend eliminating the control rod bend back at the elevator horn and moving it closer to the rudder. If it springs in the bends, or elevator flexes, this could be the source of the flutter. A camera recording the tail would help nail down the root cause.

Keep up the great work!


You're exactly right about that. The only trouble im having is trying to find a good way to place the controll horn and servo with out having to make any bends.. the rudder needs to clear left and right travel movment which pushes the horn placment too farr out. I was thinking on the V2 build for better security of the push pull wire (coffe straws and zip ties) and also a thicker wire.. less play in the wire


New member
Finished up with the V2 wings!
I have had a box of tape from tapebros for a few weeks now sitting in my garage, and havn't had a chance to use it yet.. So i pulled it out last night and gave it a shot!

I have been slowly working on V2 mostly becuase I have been working on a couple new design I plan to put out soon. The BJ-RV10 and the BL-DLG! But I plan to finish up this build before I go any further with those.


Flugzeug Liebhaber
If you have room under the tailboom's top skin to run a plastic tube down to the elevator (pushrod inside), with the horn installed on the bottom - my $.02

Picked up a box of foam today...


New member
If you have room under the tailboom's top skin to run a plastic tube down to the elevator (pushrod inside), with the horn installed on the bottom - my $.02

Picked up a box of foam today...

Nice.. I can't ever have enough DTFB. Yeah I was thinking about something along those lines as well. I'm going to play around with a few ideas. I'll figure something out to support that wire from any play/flex.