I am thinking about making it with this plane. A pusher style C pack or twin a pack would work for it. Might be a bit higher wing loading but could work.
so I looked it up and this is what I’ve found so farit’s plastic, so a lighter weight, co2, and I don’t think there are any sampler Co2 airsoft guns (cuase they don’t get to much smaller) I think that a problem with Co2 is that normally the casing holds the gun together, now possibility is that we can just 3D print a casing that’s smaller
You just need a 3d printed mount for a 12g cartridge, and some stock 6mm aluminum pipe. If anybody has a long tap or something like that you could even rifle the barrel!
Hey you're not allowed to try this at home. Now, if you were a professional it would be different. Get somebody to pay you a dollar to do it. You're a professional if you get paid.
maybe an a-10, then put 2 model rocket engines on a 3d printed rockent, atachted to the wing, and then a battery and a servo on a button to launch it. then u got missles and gun.
maybe an a-10, then put 2 model rocket engines on a 3d printed rockent, atachted to the wing, and then a battery and a servo on a button to launch it. then u got missles and gun.