A recent version of *Cleanflight* had issues with tricopters (v1.9). It supports them, it's just buggy. Haven't played with v1.10 yet to see if it's fixed, but v1.8 works, and works well.
Baseflight hasn't had problems with Tri's from what I've seen, but it's not getting the development time cleanflight and betaflight are getting, so it's falling behind in performance and features . . . that being said, if you've got the Rev6 Naze board, it only works easily with baseflight
(hopefully that will change VERY soon -- with Cleanflight V1.11)
As for the motors not responding . . . Have you tried to run them manually using the motors tab in the configurator? That would establish that the ESCs are indeed under the Naze's control:
- If they do spin up, then there's something inhibiting the arming sequence (accelerometers not calibrated, airframe tilted too far off level, Baro mode enabled, radio rates not set high enough to trigger).
- If they don't spin up, the board doesn't have control. recheck (again) your signal paths, your solder joints, and power to the ESCs. Also, try running each ESC directly from the RX to verify it's working.
Should I have to remind you to remove the props before you try any of this?