Quick build process:
I first drew a template by scaling down a picture on my phone, I then cut several layers of 1/2 inch thick pink foam from home depot. I lightly tacked them together and rough sanded a basic shape.
I then pulled the layers apart and created the inner structure for all the components.
I then added a spar and wood glued and hot glued it together. I lined all the edges with balsa wood and shaped them for ding protection and strength.
I added tubing for the wing led's so they could be removed for painting.
Then the arduous part covering with wood filler to smooth the foam surface and add a little strength. This is the part I hate but it's very necessary for my builds.
Don't have any images of building the thrust nozzle but what I did was cut a plastic cup and covered it with balsa wood, and sanded grooves length wise and it turned out great.
After sanding all the wood filler, I covered the jet with 7 or so layers of polycrylic lightly sanding in between with 150 and 220 grit. Then primed it and sanded with 320 grit and finally primed it again with the color I liked. Really wanted a darker flat gray, but this is all I could find until I find a better way of painting besides using spray paint.
It turned really well I think my best yet. I still have some more painting and decals to do, and my wife has a vynil cutter I'm going to utilize.
If there's any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.
Here's a quick picture of my last build, I haven't flown it yet because Im not sure it will fly. It was more of an inspired build but it's fully functional with dual 64mm edf's.