Just want to give an update on Maker Geeks along with a strong warning to stay away from them
I had canceled my monthly subscription some time back - it was just more filament than I needed in colors I wasn't all that happy with. Then had to go back and forth with them in e-mail 3 times to get refunded for the months they didn't actually ship but I had paid. (Not that they skipped any months - just the way they bill vs. when they shipped I wound up with 3 payments but no boxes.) They did eventually refund the money and I figured I was done with them as I was tired of the jamming issues with their filament and the bad job they do rolling it on their spools.
I mean just compare - MakerGeeks on the left, Prusa PLA on the right:
That prusa spool is a thing of beauty - perfectly rolled. The maker geeks...that's how it looked out of the box, just a messy wind that sure looks like it's got a great chance of tangling at some point
Also - their packaging has gone downhill. They used to ship in reclosable ziplock bags, but they've switched to cheaper plain bags. And they no longer seem to bother even trying to vacuum them - the last few spools I've got from them had no attempt to vacuum out the air from the bags before shipping.
But the big issue is they just aren't shipping orders reliably anymore. Back in September they advertised a big surprise in the next geek box in honor of the 2nd anniversary of starting the geek box. They repeatedly said it would be "over $100 worth of filament" so I figured what the heck...I'll risk the $30 and just cancel my subscription again after a month (which can now be done through the site - before I had to e-mail them back and forth 3 times to get it canceled.)
Well, I got the September box and it turned out to be a $100 gift card for them. The "over $100" was because they encouraged using it with their other sales to get more than $100 worth of filament. Except the only thing they actually seem to stock regularly is their grab bags
So - before I remembered to cancel the subscription I was charged again - and got another box. The roll of purple pictured above and a roll of "natural" PLA. They're printing ok but I'm not blown away by them. I was then charged for 2 more boxes before I finally remembered to cancel.
Except...those next two boxes never shipped.
Then they ran a 50% off sale for Black Friday encouraging the use of the $100 gift cards in conjunction with it. Ok, I'll try and take advantage of that. Except trying to find anything listed as in stock on their site was getting frustrated. So I wound up ordering almost $200 worth of grab bags. Why not...$200 worth of filament (10 rolls) for $30 I can live with whatever random colors they send. In fact with 10 rolls on order and 2 more geek boxes "coming" for a total of 12 rolls supposedly on their way I decided I better up my printing game...and splurged on another black friday deal to snag a Prusa Mk3 with MMU2.0 and free shipping so I could burn through all that filament easier. (FWIW I got my mk3 and am loving it...my MMU will ship sometime in February so still waiting on that.)
I wasn't in a hurry so didn't rush. But nothing seemed to be happening with these 3 open orders (2 monthly boxes and the big order.) Then on Dec 11th I saw that they updated to "Fulfilled" on my account page. Cool, should have a bunch of filament soon! But no shipping details...oh well I'm still not in any hurry.
But when nothing had arrived by Christmas I started to get nervous. And by yesterday more than 2 weeks since my orders were marked as fulfilled....I decided to contact them.
They'd been bragging about how much better their customer service has gotten and talking up an on-line chat option...which now seems to be gone. And their only customer service contact is an e-mail address that's buried on their support page and only mentioned as an option for people having issues placing orders not issues with orders. Still...I sent them a polite message with my order numbers and dates and asking what was up with the 3 marked as fulfilled on 12/11.
I got back the same canned response a lot of people have been reporting from them lately:
Good morning and of course, thank you again and we'll get all these canceled/ refunded for you right away. One of the downsides to making everything from the Spools to the Filament all in house is that when things go wrong... we have no one to blame but ourselves. It looks like this order was marked as fulfilled by mistake... this hasn't shipped yet.
We have had some equipment issues and are running behind and are about a week or so out before we are back on track and caught up with production. We are working hard to move to a full inventory system that will ONLY allow orders for items that are in house and in stock direct from our plant here in town to you.
Thank you and have a Happy New Years!!
Note - they claimed over a year ago when they updated their website that the big update was so that they could implement a proper inventory system and only allow orders for items in stock...which they're now claiming they hope to achieve in the future?!
Also note - people have been getting this reply about being "a week or so out" for over a month.
Following that I got three more e-mails saying that at my request they were canceling my orders. I never asked them to cancel my orders only asked what the status was on them since they said "fulfilled" but nothing had apparently been shipped. We'll see if the $60 for the 2 monthly boxes actually shows back up on my card.
I don't see any way to confirm the $97 refunded to my gift card is actually available. And since the 50% off sale is over I can't re-order the same thing for the same price now.
Meanwhile they've apparently still been shipping out orders to new customers based on what I'm seeing on social media. It's just existing customers they've decided to stop shipping orders for.
There have also been quite a few people posting major issues with their MG filament. Bubbles in it, major thickness variations (some big enough to be visible!) and the spooling issues I've had with them in the past, the poor packaging....it's just become a nightmare.
There's a reason the BBB gives them an F. I've used a lot of their PLA and PETG but at this point I'm strongly warning anyone and everyone I can to stay the heck away. At some point I'll probably still place one last order with that $100 gift card...but I'm pretty much resigned that the $30 I paid for it was money wasted and I'll never see any filament for it.