Thanks a lot for that introductory comment. I’m finding it irritating finding a few key pieces of information that I’ll need to take into account for when I come up with an initial design, such as; what is the ratio of length of wingspan to length of the plane (tip to rudder), how many mm should a wing taper down to and what sized motor would I need for various sizes of planes.
If I could get some help with these and other matters then I would be greatful.
Also, my teacher will not allow this project to go through if I don’t have a solid person/group I can rely upon for assistance, if you have spare time and a will to commit for this projects lifespan than please let me know.
Thanks- Ben
PS how do I send direct messages?
Firstly direct messages can be sent by firstly holding the mouse pointer over the avatar of the person you wish to converse with and then select "Start conversation". From there you will be directed to your mail box? and you can type in your message & send.
As for your questions in relation to wing span Vs fuselage length and even the wing taper, they all totally depend upon the design objectives and the projected flight performance/envelope.
The first things you should define in your RC model design are;
1. The required all up weight, (including payload).
2. The size constraints if any! Any power system limitations if applicable, (including flight duration expected.
3. Take off and landing speeds required as well as launching and landing requirements, (undercarriage or no Retracts or No, as well as runway or rough field landings/takeoffs)!
4. High lift devices such as flaps or the like.
5. Construction methodology and materials to be used.
6. Wing layout, (Conventional, Canard, Flying Wing, Etc).
7. Pusher, tractor, EDF, Multi-engine or the like.
8. Design stability, (Pendulum, Dihedral, Polyhedral, Flight stabilizer or the like).
9. Mission profile!
I have models in my hangar that have very long fuselages W.R.T. the wingspan and they are normally for high speed flight in particular and at the other end of the scale I have 4 channel, (Rudder, elevator Aileron, and Throttle), models where the fuselage is less than 50% of the wingspan. Each and every model flies within its own flight envelope quite well.
If you are able to specify where you want your design to go and the mission profile and forum members would normally be more than willing to assist with information or even close or similar models that you could re-engineer!
Have fun!