First Tricopter Build - Advice welcome!


Grab a big bucket, the weather is not in our favor in my region right now. It can take until next week or longer, to fly again. :S


Faster than a speeding face plant!
I really like your post about how you can do it too! We get a lot of 'how do I' posts and not nearly enough 'newbie builds copter and it flies' threads.

If you get a chance, please post the build steps. Please post some flight video too. Who knows. Some newbie may be screwing up the courage right now to buy parts and seeing your build may just get them started.

Congratulations too. Not everyone's first copter flies, few look as good as yours. :)


Thanks again!
I definately will be posting on-board video and maybe video from ground too. It may take me a while, because im short on time and we have strong winds right now :/
I have a few pictures from building it, but as I said, I forgot to take pictures half way through. But I'll do my best to document it a bit.

I just finished Version 2 of my copter :D I screwed the motors directly to the booms, without the use of additional motor mounts. I cleaned the wiring up quite a bit (I soldered 2 mm bullets directly to the 3way battery harness, so I don't have to use those long 2mm->3.5mm adaptors I made myself. (They were long and stiff, it was hard to fit them inside the copter nicely)
Now I have much more space between the frame, so I could mount the BEC between the frame plates and have space for the cam on top of the top frame plate.

Edit: I also want to change the wooden with aluminium frame plates. This way I can tighten the screws that hold the front arms in place a bit more, so they really can't move anywhere while flying. But first, I have to get the plates and a way to cut them.
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Most universities tech and design departments have laser cutters or 3D printers. Perhaps you can find a buddy there who can help you out with cutting or printing plates! keep it up :) its always good to clean up your build and remove as many solder and weak points as possible. I usually solder my motors to my esc itself if the leads are long enough or solder them together midway. I don't fancy bullets that much but they are nice :)


Yeah I'll have to ask around for that kind of stuff :)
Yeah I know that connections are weak points and one should limit them, but I also like the idea that I can throw in a new ESC or motor in, on the field and without soldering. So I'll see if I get failures due to the bullets - if so, I change it.


Hi guys its me again!
I want to keep my promise that I'll post some sort of build documentation. Christmas, family, girlfriend and tricopter-flying kept me busy though.
My Tri still flies great and I got two friends to fly it and think about building one on their own! One of them surely will be in 6-10 months when he has the money.

I've made a video with a few pictures and some onboard footage that I have yet to upload on youtube. I wanted to ask you guys, if I should post a new thread ("noob builds tricopter and it flies!") and post some tips and tricks and my experience from a beginners point of view, or if I should do that in this thread. I figure it is much harder to find it at the 4th page of this thread though, and I fear that a beginner in search of a thread to get inspiration and tips for building maybe won't find it here. But I also don't want to spam the forums and I don't want to present my self as some kind of VeryImportantPilot ("look what I have done! Yay you have to congratulate me, I'm so awesome")...

So, let me know what I should do!
I really want to give back to the community, it can just take some time as I'm a bit busy and want to use all my free time learning to fly, so bear with me please. :)


Junior Member
Hi Nils,

Enjoyed reading about your exploits - nice work! I'm very similar to you, lots of spectating (via Youtube, etc.) but didn't jump in until recently. I want to build a tri (like you) but started off with a NanoQX micro-quad paired with a DX6i transmitter. It's been great to learn on -- great to be able to fly indoors! Now I'm ready DIY a RCexplorer-style tricopter. I'll refer to your postings for real-world hints & tips.

I second the idea to just go-ahead and add/update your existing posts with videos and pictures.

Thanks for sharing your work.

Cheers, Scott
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Hi Birdman,

cool to hear from an actual beginner like me, who could get inspired by my work. I hope you can get something out of my posting, but sadly im incredibly busy at the moment, so I can't make the update before this sunday, but I'll try!

Until then!



Winter is coming
Hi Jimmy,

Yes, that is the old/current delrin based rear mount which was really designed for a 370 sized motor (hence the naming):

FliteTest are going to be releasing a newer, stronger/more durable, able to accommodate larger motors, "Tuff Tilt" soon. I had emailed the store saying I'm anxiously looking forward to it, and Alex replied back saying it's coming soon. I'm patiently waiting myself.

I documented my recent tricopter build based on the electrohub plates and the 13-370 tilt mount:

It works fine, especially for me as I'm still learning, but I'm careful not to fly it too aggressively, as I have slightly larger motors and props than what it's rated/designed for.

I'm glad I didn't wait, as I had picked up all these components in July, and finally built it in November. I'm still learning new stuff about it and revisiting the configuration -- so you'll see that documented in that thread I created.

Personally, if I were you, I'd wait to order the new tilt mechanism. That said, it wouldn't hurt to start collecting the electronics, since depending on where you order them from, it can take time to arrive. Generally more time than it takes for FT to ship stuff. My questions have usually taken a few days before someone at FT can answer back. I really think they're operating on catch-up mode from the holidays.


Hi guys,

I figured that I should mention it here, that I edited the first post today. So if you'd like to get some insight about my copter, please go to the first page and read/see the video that is linked on the very bottom of the post.
I look forward to your replys/questions!