Thanks again!
I definately will be posting on-board video and maybe video from ground too. It may take me a while, because im short on time and we have strong winds right now :/
I have a few pictures from building it, but as I said, I forgot to take pictures half way through. But I'll do my best to document it a bit.
I just finished Version 2 of my copter
I screwed the motors directly to the booms, without the use of additional motor mounts. I cleaned the wiring up quite a bit (I soldered 2 mm bullets directly to the 3way battery harness, so I don't have to use those long 2mm->3.5mm adaptors I made myself. (They were long and stiff, it was hard to fit them inside the copter nicely)
Now I have much more space between the frame, so I could mount the BEC between the frame plates and have space for the cam on top of the top frame plate.
Edit: I also want to change the wooden with aluminium frame plates. This way I can tighten the screws that hold the front arms in place a bit more, so they really can't move anywhere while flying. But first, I have to get the plates and a way to cut them.