Flite Fest East '17 Roll Call


Got Lobstah?
Site Moderator
July is here and I know a countless many of us are so very eager for FFE'17. This being my first Flite Fest, my big goal is to meet as many people as possible and build some good friendships.

What I would like to know is who is going, from where you are travelling, with whom are you traveling, and of course what aircraft are you bringing or hoping to build. Also, if you don't mind, a real name to know what to call you would be appreciated. Some of you i have no idea how to say your forum name.

I am Jim,
travelling from Lisbon, Maine,
not bringing any family but carpooling with PsyBorg,
bringing my UMX Wlidcat, Wing, Zephyr, UMX Radian, Gremlin, Tricopter, NanoQX2​

We'll be camping on site which will make getting to know the communityand I suspect some aircraft on the list might not make the final cut but am hoping to get them in. I'm also bringing some fresh live Maine lobster and looking to share a little taste of Maine.

Now, who can I look forward to meeting?


Well-known member
I am Brian,
traveling from Austin, TX
I'm bringing my father, Robert,
and my FT 3D, Storch, Bloody Wonder mk3, Guinea Pig, and Viggen

We'll be camping on site as well - look for the Texas flag EZ-up.


I am Ben Harber. Boeing Ben. Blended Wing Body Ben. Benny and his Jets. Baby Bugatti Ben ...etc...

I'm coming from Southern California, flying into Pittsburgh then driving from there. I'm staying in Minerva at the Palmantier's Motel by myself. Not traveling with anyone this year.

I'm bringing a Baby Bugatti on the plane with me, along with a ton of batteries and all my radio gear.

I'm bringing parts enough to build:
3 A-4 Skyhawk's (not all built by me)
1 F-5 Tiger II
1 F-4 Phantom II
1 "AngryBee" (suped-up Super Bee)

The main reason for my attendance is to run the Boeing booth in the vendor area, but I'm hoping to get some building done on the side during down-time, and plan on flying early in the morning and later in the afternoon/evening.

BONUS: My dad, Andy, hopefully will also swing by Friday/Saturday and help me in the booth, and generally hang out and be awesome (and BBQ some amazing marinated tri-tip). :D
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Builder Extraordinare
Joshua Orchard: Willsonman, crazy rivet guy, and many more

I'll have a quick jump from Maryland (all by my lonesome too) and will be camping on-site, of course. I'll be pretty easy to spot with my lineup of racers.

Bugatti 100P (Scratch)
Gee Bee Z (Laser cut balsa)
Art Chester's "Goon" (Scratch)
ParkZone RearBear (the obligatory ARF that I do not care what happens to)

This will be my 4th time attending and look forward to making new friends AGAIN! It happens every year so I do not expect that to change. I love lobster... but I have to tell you, Maryland soft shell or blue crabs with Old Bay will make those lobsters rub back to the ocean ;) I'm sure lots of good food will be around from all around.


Got Lobstah?
Site Moderator
Benny and his Jets, nice. Now I got that song stuck in my head.

When I was stationed in Pax River i had my share of Maryland crab. They look, smell and taste great, I must admit however, dude, the work you have to go through to eat those things has made me declare I don't eat any crab smaller than snow.
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Wake up! Time to fly!
Bill Brown : Psyborg coming with Jim (THANKS MATE!!) from Mount Morris New York and I am bringing my Gremlin, my Alien, and possibly my Versa Copter. I will be bringing pieces parts to build with as well as some tools and a battery charger and my soldering iron to help people get their Gremlins and quads in the air.

Edit: This is one of my quads. I went out to test a different vtx on the Gremlin and the Alien surprised me with this flight.

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Wake up! Time to fly!
Benny and his Jets, nice. Now I got that song stuck in my head.

When I was stationed in Pax River i had my share of Mryland crab. They look, smell and taste great, I must admit however, dude, the work you have to go through to eat those things has made me declare I don't eat any crab smaller than snow.

I miss growing up on the Jersey shore. My uncle would take me with him and we would catch the out going tide and go out to tread clams near a sand bar we knew about. Then as the tide was coming back in we would drift between Beasley point and Sommers point bridges for flounder and when weakfish or stripped bass were running go for them as well. Then as the tide was going back out again we would hit a railroad trestle and line fish those blue claws with a piece of chicken on a string. Once we had it all for the day we would either go home or head back out to that sand bar and start cooking and have family or friends meet us out there.


New member
Maurice Richard and they do call me Rocket, also go by the nickname Moe.
Traveling from Moncton New Brunswick Canada with my wife Norma in our
Motorhome. Will be camping in the RV section and will be flying a Canadian
Flag. Will be arriving on site by July 11 and will be Volunteering two days
for setup plus 4 hours a day in the Build Tent for the other four days.
Have not decided yet which one off my 50 plus Aircraft I will be bringing,
As many as I can fit in the Motorhome without damage or as many as my
wife will allow. We do travel with a 40 foot Bus type Motorhome, so I should be able
to fit a few. Will probably bring my Bloody Wonder for Battle and also have register
to build the Bloody Barron that will also go to the Battle field. Moe


Monkey/Bear Poker
Themajik1, Mike Finley coming in from Kansas City. Will be traveling alone, takes 13 hours to drive to Malvern.
Still deciding on what all craft I am bringing, but I know I will have my Radian, Gremlins(2), DJI P3, DJI Mavic Pro, Bloody Ripper, and the Simple Cub. After that, Not sure...

Really looking forward to seeing everyone, and as if right now I am leaving in 8 days, breaking up the drive in 2 days, and arriving a little early.

Everyone be safe and cannot wait to see you all!!!



Pete DeMoss. I'll be coming down from Metro Detroit (Northville, specifically) with my wife Erin. It's only a 4 hour drive for us. This will be our 4th Flite Fest and I'm looking forward to seeing lots of old friends and making plenty of new ones.

I mentioned to someone that I was going to Ohio in a couple of weeks, and they asked "For a family reunion?" and I could only answer "Well... yeah... sort of. Festival Family." :)

I'll be bringing two new not-FT Cubs, my 3 year old blue photo-recon FT Spitfire, probably another Spitfire, a combat plane design called 'Fast and Furious', and maybe a couple others. I hope to build a night-flying wing to take home, and maybe an FT Cub.


New member
I am Mark McGregor
traveling from Lafayette, IN
bringing my wife, daughter, and a couple friends who have no idea what they are in for :)
Planes: 4ch tiny trainer, 3ch tiny trainer (set up for night flying), FT Bronco, my daughter's 3ch tiny trainer, Night Hawk 280 quad
We are staying on site in our camper XLR Hyper Lite toy hauler
Looking forward to meeting all of you!


New member
I am John Shaffer
travelling from Minnesota or Iowa, wherever my Dad wants to meet, because he's coming too.
Bringing my Bronco, WarPig (Guinea Pig), FT Mustang, Dad's FT Otter, maybe my Sea Duck, and maybe parts for a Spitfire build.
We're staying in Dad's pop up camper in the RV area hopefully near the center beccause Dad has mobiity issues.
This will be our second FliteFest, and we are really looking forward to it because we had so much fu last year!


Neil, 97tj-neil. Bringing my son, Collen, cvdmaverick. Driving in Wednesday night from PA. I am bringing 3 bloody barons for combat, as well as a simple cub and a mig 3 and my bushwacker. The boy is finishing 2 new arrows, and will probably bring a bloody baron as well. We will be volunteering in the build tent, just like last year. We are staying at the Fairfield Inn in Canton.


Techno Nut
Karl "LitterBug" coming from Columbus, OH for my first Flite Fest. My 2 hour drive after work Wednesday is probably one of the shortest trips of anyone. I'll be camping on site the whole time. Scheduled to be working in the build tent from 4pm-8PM. Bringing a fleet of multirotors of different sizes/varieties and hopefully a monocopter as well. A450 quad, F550 hex, Cheerson CX20, RMRC Hellbender 204 V1, Strix AWK210, FlexRC 118mm Owls , Shen Drones Kreieger 225, Shen Drones Danaus, RCExplorer Baby Tricopters, Tiny whoop, and maybe some planks. Most of what I am flying is running dRonin firmware so track me down if you want to get a sample of how the configuration/autotune works and how well it flies.



New member
My name is Dan Anderson, and I am travelling from Huntsville (Rocket City USA!), Alabama. We will be traveling to FFE'17 with the whole family (daughter, son, wife), and camping just like we did for FF'16.

I will be bringing the Mavic Pro and plan on building a couple up there. The kids are still trying to decide what they will bring. The boy and I are enrolled in the Bloody Baron build (though my daughter may make a push to steal my slot).

Being a scout leader (venturing, BSA, and AHG), and Civil Air Patrol Aerospace Education Officer - I would love the opportunity to meet up with others who are, or want to implement FT elements in their youth programs. Just look for the father/son pair sporting flat tops, the pirate scoutmaster flag, or the Alabama flag in the camping area.

Troop 201 - Leaders Corps (1).png


Skill Collector
Jon 'RockyBoy' Pruett driving about 6 hours up from Alexandria Virginia solo, but will be on the lookout for several members of my local RC club on the road. :)

I'll be tent camping again, unless a really sweet deal on a mini Airstream trailer pops up in the next week. Minimum requirement (from the missus) is it must have Style and a bathroom.

Plane wise, I'm bringing a pair of Caudron C.460's for the International Races, three wings - two for general flying (aka combat), one for night flying, a Baby Baron & Das Little Stick for the formal combat sessions, maybe a Tiny Trainer Canard conversion that needs some help if it will fit, and my Wizzard 220 quad for a tuning session with Psyborg. And also a power train for a FT Simple Cub or similar I want to build onsite. :)

That's probably too many planes and one or two will be left at home for not fitting in the car. Just not sure which. :confused:


My name is Bryan McCord. I will be traveling alone from a town south of Pittsburgh (Washington). I will be bringing my Gremlin, FT Bronco, FT Arrows x2, FF2016 Dart, the newly completed Fauxnudra IMG_0469.JPG and if my arm is twisted slightly I might purchase something while at FF2017.


Skill Collector
Love the Fauxndrua!! :applause:

And if you're looking for arm twisting, you're in the right place :) In particular, I'd recommend heading to Laine's Planes booth and looking at his EPP Cuda kit he'll be selling onsite.


Staff member
I am Balu,
travelling from Münster, Germany,
bringing my brother Stephan who is not into RC, but loved the event in 2015,
bringing mostly parts, an unfinished quad, an Inductrix Pro (new) and hoping to build a Cub to finally learn to fly fixed wings.

We'll be staying in an RV and if you see me, ask me for chocolate. ;)
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