Imagine up at 3 crash heights and if you understand how to get out of trouble(Hint--first roll the plane until wings are level, then pull/down on elevator and level it and keep speed above stall) do the scary stuff.
Go across the field from right to left so that throttle is 3/4 or more and up to speed having the wings flat
Pull up to 30 degrees and roll your airplane 90 degrees( now the right hand will move the aileron back and forth to maintain it
In the process of rolling at about 75 degrees, take the left hand and give the correct rudder direction some movement and see what happens.
If it is the wrong way, go wings level, up/down till pitch is level and cool down going back to the start point.
If it is the right way, you will notice that the plane will probably drop slowly and head off in a side direction.(no elevator is used,
Try it again , straight, up30 and roll(at 75 degrees--rudder in see it drop slowly except now increase rudder deflection so it stays level. Change throttle and rudder to keep it level. With the nose pointed up, it will give you more distance to recover it.
Why no elevator? Too much going on for you have to keep ailerons so it's 90, Rudder deflection and throttle try to keep it straight. After you get a feel for that then you can push/pull elevator to keep it straight. You will see that it will fall into place.
Here is the cat's meow!! You will need a good 10+ mph wind that is constant.
1) Start your flight at 50 ft high and come across the field in a knife edge.
2) 1/2 way,(vary engine and up rudder angle) and stop forward motion, still a knife edge.
3) reduce RPM's and change angle and it will drop vertical nice and slow.
4) about 8-10 ft, add power and change rudder angle so now about 5 ft off the ground, it gathers speed and goes across the field jn a knife edge.
Hope you try what I said in the first paragragh. Your 3 crash height and safe. It is like learning to drive a stick shift and clutch setup in your car that is parked on a hill. You will get it if you know what to do.