Hey Pilots, I have been having issues lately with my fpv setup. I am flying Immersion RC 5.8 GHz with circular polarized antennas and Fatshark Attitude SD. I'm using the Orange RX T-Six Transmitter with 6ch failsafe long antenna which also has a satellite receiver. The antenna of my 2.4 receiver is mounted to a zip tie with heat shrink. I have used this set up before with no issues and have flown maybe 2 to 300 meters with no problem. Recently I have been getting many brown outs. Three were pretty bad crashes and today I had four brown outs. Today I was flying to test the range and when I got about 50 to 100 meters it would blip for maybe half a second where I didn't have control but it didn't crash. My video seemed to be fine when I was flying. I was testing on a beach. Both my transmitter and receiver antennas are both vertical when I fly. Is my video transmitter swamping my control receiver or something? Do internet routers affect 2.4 GHz? Maybe the temperature outside? It was below freezing. Please Help!!!