Hi, I am new to fpv drones and I decided that after what I thought was plenty of research, I would build my own drone from scratch. It appears I did not do enough research because I am running into issues with the connection between my FC and my receiver. I bought an FS-I6 transmitter and the Flysky FS-X14S (https://www.flysky-cn.com/x14s-canshu) receiver which is supposedly compatible. What I may not have adequately checked compatibility with my FC (Lumenier ALPHA AIO Flight Controller F4, http://www.multirotorguide.com/news...troller-f4-fc-with-osd-and-30a-blheli_32-esc/). I wired and soldered the boards so that the sbus pin on the receiver is connected to the SID pin on the FC, in addition to ground to ground pin and vcc to 5v pin. When I powered on the drone and followed the binding instructions for the receiver and transmitter, the receiver did not have a green flashing light which the owner's manual said indicated that it is in binding mode. I am also unsure if I could have caused this problem with my beta flight configuration settings. I am unsure of what motor/esc protocol I should be using given that my receiver doesn't support PWM. I also don't know which receiver protocol I should be using. There are a lot of unknowns and I would appreciate any suggestions that you may have. Thank you so much.