So I got my hands on the FrSky S6R Receiver, I went ahead and ordered the STK programmer with it as you'll find in other threads it's necessary to properly program the RX (with out beta firmware).
the first thing I did was connect it and upgrade to the latest firmware. the STK* includes an option to upgrade other FrSky receivers firmware as well as configure the S6R. Next I installed the S6R configure software** and setup the proper plane configuration, wing vs. v-tail vs. traditional 4ch. the S6R has the option to control separate ailerons which I was able to use to my advantage and in addition to stabilization I was also able to use flaperons while in gyro/Acc modes.
Once I felt I had done the configurations necessary, including the calibration I installed it in the FT Bushwacker and bench tested it. I needed to reverse the gyro on the elevator otherwise everything else functioned properly. I will note here that I had to unplug all the servo wires to get the Rx to reconnect to the computer properly. kind of a pain but I only had to do it once.
Now that everything checked out okay it's off to the field!!
the re-maiden of the Bushwhacker went well. I setup a POT on Ch 9 to control the global gain for the stabilization and I had a nice and windy day to really test it out. I was pretty impressed, the stabilized mode seemed to counter act the wind pretty well I didn't get a chance to see which channels needed more finer tuning but this could be done in the PC software, for example if you are getting too much aileron flutter but turning down the gain won't correct pitch anymore you can individually adjust each control surface in the software and then again globally increase/decrease the gain using the pot in flight.
I only tested the stabilized and level flight modes. Level flight worked amazingly well, in an area where there was turbulent ground wind i was able to bring the bushwhacker in for almost perfect landings every time. it held the plane steady and true during flight and though I consider myself a good pilot, having the level mode made the plane a little more fun to fly in the crazy conditions I had today. The S6R also includes a knife edge mode and a hover mode for people that are a little more in to the 3D stuff. I was tempted to test these but was having too much fun dropping parachuters and I actually forgot to see how well (or If) it would work on the bushwhacker.
I guess this is sort of a mini review. I've seen the S6R for sale for under $30 and I bought both the S6R and STK from the same vendor (hoursRC) shipped for $38. even at that price it's cheaper than adding a separate NAZE board or other stabilization device. I will most defining be purchasing an additional one for a trainer to aid in teaching my family to fly. BTW it also supports all the s.port sensors!!
setting up some things in the transmitter was little more challenging however I setup some special functions and mixes to make it work a little smoother than described in the manual. This part gets a little technical so if you were just interested how well it worked you can stop here, if you want some more advanced Taranis configuration advice, I hope the following helps.
* in regards to the STK, supposedly you can configure this via a LUA script on the radio it's self, however it requires version 2.2 and at the time of writing this it is still in beta and my radio is using 2.1 stable. so as new firmware becomes more stable the STK will likely not be needed for at the field programming/adjustments.
** the software is only for windows and there have been some complaints about software crashes, I updated all drivers as recommended and haven't had any issues.
so the flight mode is selected using a combination of TWO 3 position switches using the mid (0) position as off (or no stabilization). so that means you have to remember switch combinations, i didn't even try to attempt this because accidentally putting my plane in knife edge mode didn't sound like a good idea....
THE SOLUTION: I picked two switches, the first switch I used for stabilization and auto level, the second for knife edge and hover. the way I achieved this was a few lines in SPECIAL FUNCTIONS. the RX uses channels 10 & 11 for flight modes, so I created a channel override for both channels with the switch in the back position, both channels were overridden to the zero position which is OFF. then moving the switch to the mid position it would override the CH10&11 to proper positions for stabilization and etc, etc, for all flight modes. interestingly when I setup the second switch for the 3D modes it would over ride the first switch even if it was already in a stable mode. I believe this is normal behavior for the special functions, the lower on the list will override the previous if both functions are acting on the same channel. (if this doesn't make sense PM me and I will try to explain it better). Needless to say I was able to switch a single switch to turn on and off my stable modes and it worked great! and a second switch for kinfe edge and hover (vs. combinations of the two switches).
Another function includes a calibration switch that is operated on channel 12. The best way I found to use this was to fly the plane and trim it out well, do a low flyby, in manual mode and pay attention to the attitude of the plane. Now land the plane and set it at the level flying attitude observed during the fly by, if you're a slow flyer it maybe a bit nose up compared to a wing. Hold it there and switch your assigned switch on ch 12 and it will record the trim positions and level angle for the Auto Level mode. IF you flip this switch in flight you will crash!!!!! Here's how I prevent that from happening....
First, I like all my switches to default to the back position (or away from you). this function requires that the switch be set to mid (or zero). now you could create a special function and change the positions (-100, 0, 100) to (0, 100, -100) but I went a different way with it. I left it programed to the mid position and set a warning, incase it was in a different position loading the model it won't connect until it's in the OFF/mid position. now I ALSO have a THROTTLE disable switch (switch SF) so I added an additional special function that uses switch SF when UP (throttle enabled) it will override channel 12 to 0, making it impossible for the calibration switch to function so long as the throttle is enabled.
Also it is possible to only use 4 of the 6 channels and still get to kinda normal servo operations out of the other two channels. I will admit before explaining how I enabled my bomb drop that I haven't tried too many remedies to gain control of the channel whilst avoiding the built in stabilization but here's what i've read to do and what worked for me...
I left the INPUT for Ch6 blank and went to the mixer page, I added a mix for ch6 (where my bomb drop servo is) and set source to MAX (i'm not really sure what this does) I then added a switch and I now had some control of that servo. now what was weird was that I couldn't get it to reverse, I tried under inputs to reverse the servo direction but it didn't work. I also tried to set it to a slider (this makes it easier to "thread" the lock for the bomb drop) but again no luck. I had to suck it up and make my bomb drop switch operate in the opposite direction than It used to. If I find a better solution I'll UPDATE this post. but for now I can still drop my parachuters with out any stabilization interfering on that channel.
Overall I think this is an amazing value, the X6R is nearly the same price and the S6R can do all the X6R can do and more, I think the X6R might include better antennas for longer range stuff. but if you are really attempting that you should be using a FC with failsafe and return to home features anyway. I haven't range tested this but my D4R-II's using the same (or similar) antennas have flow well beyond visual line of site 😊 I would expect the same from the S6R. if you really insist, the antennas are using the same connectors and can be upgraded to the paddle/PCB antennas by FrSky (similar to the X8R).
When the 2.2 software is in stable release the LUA script will make programing this thing a breeze and adjustments can be made at the field and I assume fine tuning individual control surfaces even easier since you won't have to access the RX and connect to the PC.
This is a definite win in my book ..
the first thing I did was connect it and upgrade to the latest firmware. the STK* includes an option to upgrade other FrSky receivers firmware as well as configure the S6R. Next I installed the S6R configure software** and setup the proper plane configuration, wing vs. v-tail vs. traditional 4ch. the S6R has the option to control separate ailerons which I was able to use to my advantage and in addition to stabilization I was also able to use flaperons while in gyro/Acc modes.
Once I felt I had done the configurations necessary, including the calibration I installed it in the FT Bushwacker and bench tested it. I needed to reverse the gyro on the elevator otherwise everything else functioned properly. I will note here that I had to unplug all the servo wires to get the Rx to reconnect to the computer properly. kind of a pain but I only had to do it once.
Now that everything checked out okay it's off to the field!!
the re-maiden of the Bushwhacker went well. I setup a POT on Ch 9 to control the global gain for the stabilization and I had a nice and windy day to really test it out. I was pretty impressed, the stabilized mode seemed to counter act the wind pretty well I didn't get a chance to see which channels needed more finer tuning but this could be done in the PC software, for example if you are getting too much aileron flutter but turning down the gain won't correct pitch anymore you can individually adjust each control surface in the software and then again globally increase/decrease the gain using the pot in flight.
I only tested the stabilized and level flight modes. Level flight worked amazingly well, in an area where there was turbulent ground wind i was able to bring the bushwhacker in for almost perfect landings every time. it held the plane steady and true during flight and though I consider myself a good pilot, having the level mode made the plane a little more fun to fly in the crazy conditions I had today. The S6R also includes a knife edge mode and a hover mode for people that are a little more in to the 3D stuff. I was tempted to test these but was having too much fun dropping parachuters and I actually forgot to see how well (or If) it would work on the bushwhacker.
I guess this is sort of a mini review. I've seen the S6R for sale for under $30 and I bought both the S6R and STK from the same vendor (hoursRC) shipped for $38. even at that price it's cheaper than adding a separate NAZE board or other stabilization device. I will most defining be purchasing an additional one for a trainer to aid in teaching my family to fly. BTW it also supports all the s.port sensors!!
setting up some things in the transmitter was little more challenging however I setup some special functions and mixes to make it work a little smoother than described in the manual. This part gets a little technical so if you were just interested how well it worked you can stop here, if you want some more advanced Taranis configuration advice, I hope the following helps.
* in regards to the STK, supposedly you can configure this via a LUA script on the radio it's self, however it requires version 2.2 and at the time of writing this it is still in beta and my radio is using 2.1 stable. so as new firmware becomes more stable the STK will likely not be needed for at the field programming/adjustments.
** the software is only for windows and there have been some complaints about software crashes, I updated all drivers as recommended and haven't had any issues.
so the flight mode is selected using a combination of TWO 3 position switches using the mid (0) position as off (or no stabilization). so that means you have to remember switch combinations, i didn't even try to attempt this because accidentally putting my plane in knife edge mode didn't sound like a good idea....
THE SOLUTION: I picked two switches, the first switch I used for stabilization and auto level, the second for knife edge and hover. the way I achieved this was a few lines in SPECIAL FUNCTIONS. the RX uses channels 10 & 11 for flight modes, so I created a channel override for both channels with the switch in the back position, both channels were overridden to the zero position which is OFF. then moving the switch to the mid position it would override the CH10&11 to proper positions for stabilization and etc, etc, for all flight modes. interestingly when I setup the second switch for the 3D modes it would over ride the first switch even if it was already in a stable mode. I believe this is normal behavior for the special functions, the lower on the list will override the previous if both functions are acting on the same channel. (if this doesn't make sense PM me and I will try to explain it better). Needless to say I was able to switch a single switch to turn on and off my stable modes and it worked great! and a second switch for kinfe edge and hover (vs. combinations of the two switches).
Another function includes a calibration switch that is operated on channel 12. The best way I found to use this was to fly the plane and trim it out well, do a low flyby, in manual mode and pay attention to the attitude of the plane. Now land the plane and set it at the level flying attitude observed during the fly by, if you're a slow flyer it maybe a bit nose up compared to a wing. Hold it there and switch your assigned switch on ch 12 and it will record the trim positions and level angle for the Auto Level mode. IF you flip this switch in flight you will crash!!!!! Here's how I prevent that from happening....
First, I like all my switches to default to the back position (or away from you). this function requires that the switch be set to mid (or zero). now you could create a special function and change the positions (-100, 0, 100) to (0, 100, -100) but I went a different way with it. I left it programed to the mid position and set a warning, incase it was in a different position loading the model it won't connect until it's in the OFF/mid position. now I ALSO have a THROTTLE disable switch (switch SF) so I added an additional special function that uses switch SF when UP (throttle enabled) it will override channel 12 to 0, making it impossible for the calibration switch to function so long as the throttle is enabled.
Also it is possible to only use 4 of the 6 channels and still get to kinda normal servo operations out of the other two channels. I will admit before explaining how I enabled my bomb drop that I haven't tried too many remedies to gain control of the channel whilst avoiding the built in stabilization but here's what i've read to do and what worked for me...
I left the INPUT for Ch6 blank and went to the mixer page, I added a mix for ch6 (where my bomb drop servo is) and set source to MAX (i'm not really sure what this does) I then added a switch and I now had some control of that servo. now what was weird was that I couldn't get it to reverse, I tried under inputs to reverse the servo direction but it didn't work. I also tried to set it to a slider (this makes it easier to "thread" the lock for the bomb drop) but again no luck. I had to suck it up and make my bomb drop switch operate in the opposite direction than It used to. If I find a better solution I'll UPDATE this post. but for now I can still drop my parachuters with out any stabilization interfering on that channel.
Overall I think this is an amazing value, the X6R is nearly the same price and the S6R can do all the X6R can do and more, I think the X6R might include better antennas for longer range stuff. but if you are really attempting that you should be using a FC with failsafe and return to home features anyway. I haven't range tested this but my D4R-II's using the same (or similar) antennas have flow well beyond visual line of site 😊 I would expect the same from the S6R. if you really insist, the antennas are using the same connectors and can be upgraded to the paddle/PCB antennas by FrSky (similar to the X8R).
When the 2.2 software is in stable release the LUA script will make programing this thing a breeze and adjustments can be made at the field and I assume fine tuning individual control surfaces even easier since you won't have to access the RX and connect to the PC.
This is a definite win in my book ..