FT Racer for Speed?


Elite member
Has anyone here built an FT Racer for speed? If so, how fast do you think you got it to go? For foam board speed planes I know there are planes like the Speed Deamon and the XF Yellowjacket, and I intend to build those eventually, but the FT Racer looks like some of the local speedsters. I'd like to blow through with a similar foam board plane...just for the fun of it.


Elite member
Hi synjin,

I have one. Running a 3536 950kv swinging a 9x6 apc. On 4s, it rips along fast enough for me! Fuse is coroplast on mine.




Legendary member
the FT race has a pretty large, thick fuselage which slows it down considerably. if you want real speed go for the Speed Demon or the Yellow Jacket.

me :cool:


Elite member
Sero, your builds are inspiring. A speed build is about forth on my list. I've got two tandem wings and a mini-Cub to finish first. Of course, now I'm wondering how fast the tandem wings will be.

I'm glad it inspires, I come here to get inspired!
Speed is addictive! One of the things I like about the Racer is that it not only does speed well but also very good at any aerobatics, it's a pleasure to fly.

I haven't been building anything for a while, but my new racer is half done. I'll update the thread once I make some more progress.

Tandem wings eh? Sounds interesting! Good luck with your builds!


Legendary member
Sero, your builds are inspiring. A speed build is about forth on my list. I've got two tandem wings and a mini-Cub to finish first. Of course, now I'm wondering how fast the tandem wings will be.
Just perhaps dont make the tandem wing as a "speedplane"...the larger surfaces will easy "take control"... :)