I know this is an older thread, but i just wanted to say how awesome this plane has been. I bought a speed build kits and the power pack c. Both where awesome for getting my storch together in 2 days messing around and learning as my first build. I had been trying to learn to fly with a little sport cub s that had the living daylights beat out of it. So stepping up to this big plane with no ax3x or SAFE to fly for me was super intimidating...until you remember it is foam, and you built it. First flight was awesome. Way more controllable than i imagined and super smooth in the air. I had set mine up with ailerons and flaps, the speed difference you can fly at it makes is so cool. Rip the C pack open with the flaps off and it moves out. Back off to 50% and put the flaps down and it will literally set still in a 3-5mph wind.
I have crashed it 3 times. Twice straight nose dives because i had not mounted my receiver well and it was glitching out. Once because i suck and kept rolling the wrong way and landing it straight upside down on it's back. Besides broken props and a little hot glue it was back in the air with no long term effects. I have flown in rain, cold/snow, and really strong wind. It just flys great and the size is awesome in the air. I will be buying another speed build kit to put together slowly and paint up nice so i can switch everything over when i crash this first one to death....but by the way it is holding up i think it is gonna be a while. Thanks Flight Test for the awesome plane, plans, kits, videos...
I have crashed it 3 times. Twice straight nose dives because i had not mounted my receiver well and it was glitching out. Once because i suck and kept rolling the wrong way and landing it straight upside down on it's back. Besides broken props and a little hot glue it was back in the air with no long term effects. I have flown in rain, cold/snow, and really strong wind. It just flys great and the size is awesome in the air. I will be buying another speed build kit to put together slowly and paint up nice so i can switch everything over when i crash this first one to death....but by the way it is holding up i think it is gonna be a while. Thanks Flight Test for the awesome plane, plans, kits, videos...