FTFC19-Build-ruary by basslord1124


Master member
As I hear it, the important things are
1. the surface alignments (wing elevator rudder), and the balance point. (duh), but the electronics placement is so the balance is easier and a little component weight as possible. high thrust/weight ratios help big on these planes.
I crash every sim attempt I have with these, which is why I'm not attempting one yet.
But I say just go for it! you got this. Cut like the wind.

for me electronics are my nemesis

I was thinking that I probably need to try and keep the wing and elevator exactly on the thrust line...or knowing my luck, as close as I can. I've seen others add carbon fiber rods to help with strength. I don't have any good thicker carbon fiber so I may just settle on some standard thicker wire.


Master member
Update that's not really an update...

Still waiting on electronics for most of the builds...I'm expecting them any day now.

Also, I had recently picked up Flu A here this past weekend so that sort of kept me from doing anything for about 4 days. Better now, and ready to start tackling these guys again. I don't expect to obviously get these done in February now, but do plan to keep updating this thread with any updates to these planes.


Master member
A March update since I've been held up with getting over the flu and waiting on electronics. Updated the Tiny Trainer and Bloody Baron in a big way from their previous updates.

And on the subject of electronics...I ordered through banggood so it was expected I'd be waiting a while for electronics anyways. BUT, to me it was the cheaper option and money is tight right now. I ended up having multiple orders for electronics because I ordered stuff, and then later realized I forgot this or forgot that. Despite this, all were ordered on same day or day after so I'd expect em all to come about the same time. Something that has happened too, is I have received a few things already but no major components like ESCs or motors. I did manage to get a receiver though lol. And upon looking at the orders, it gave the latest possible delivery date as being March 13th. I have high hopes everything else will come this week though.

While I am waiting on that, I'll probably try and make some more progress on the profile plane.


Building Fool-Flying Noob
Kickin' Butt. I love your progress. Have you thought about your color scheme yet? I love seeing what folks put ogethers.

Sometimes this stuff just takes a while for it to come in.


Master member
Kickin' Butt. I love your progress. Have you thought about your color scheme yet? I love seeing what folks put ogethers.

Sometimes this stuff just takes a while for it to come in.

Thanks! ;)

As for color scheme...I figure maybe some red/blue/green (not all 3 colors but maybe 2 of them) tape striping on the Tiny Trainer but still mainly keeping it foamboard white. Not sure for color on the Baron...red's an obvious one though. Probably a rusty looking red/brick red on the Mini Scout. Not sure on the profile plane...neon yellow/green? I'm really very far from artsy and colorful when it comes to these planes, sometimes I'd probably just fly em in foamboard white, lol. And I am definitely not doing any color/decorating until I have had one good successful flight with them and gotten most of the bugs worked out. I've been there where I decorated a plane only to crash it on its maiden. :oops:


Master member
Hallelujah! That's the motors and ESC for the profile plane and Bloody Baron. Next should be the TT's motor and ESC.


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Master member
Well it has definitely been past time and I'm thinking my Tiny Trainer motor and ESC are not gonna make it. I have put in a refund/replacement thing with banggood. This is the first time I've had any issue with banggood. And now we wait to see what happens.


Master member
Well banggood customer service is doing well so far. Through a few emails back and forth, they were either gonna refund for the motor/ESC or re-send them. I opted for re-sending and it looks like they are using a faster shipping method than originally used.